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与 groove 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

groove broacher:拉槽机

groningen 水沤亚麻纤维 | groove broacher 拉槽机 | groove cutter for root of turbine blade 涡轮叶片根槽铣刀

double-u groove weld:双U形槽焊接

双丁沟焊接 double-J groove weld | 双U形槽焊接 double-U groove weld | 双V形槽焊接 double-V groove weld

groove welding:槽焊

groove long edge 坡口长边 | groove welding 槽焊 | groove width 坡口宽度

groove out of square:沟侧摆

groove of vomer 犁骨沟 | groove out of square 沟侧摆 | groove part 型缝

groove of vomer:犁骨沟

groove of ulnar nerve 尺神经沟 | groove of vomer 犁骨沟 | groove out of square 沟侧摆

be in the groove:处于最佳的精神状态

groove 凹槽,惯例,最佳状态 | be in the groove 处于最佳的精神状态 | fall into the groove 按死板的方式办事

Medullary groove,Neural groove:神经沟,髓沟

神经管,髓褶 Medullary fold,Neural fold,Neural ridge | 神经沟,髓沟 Medullary groove,Neural groove | 神经板,髓板 Medullary plate,Nervous plate,Neural plate

Neural groove,Medullary groove:神经沟,髓沟

神经褶,髓褶 Neural fold,Medullary fold,Neural ridge | 神经沟,髓沟 Neural groove,Medullary groove | 神经褶,髓褶 Neural ridge,Neural fold,Medullary fold

groove of trolley wheel:接地滑轮槽

groove of thread ==> 螺纹谷 | groove of trolley wheel ==> 接地滑轮槽 | groove of ulnar nerve ==> 尺神经沟

groove and tongue joint:槽舌接合

groove and tongue ==> 槽舌,企口,槽舌榫 | groove and tongue joint ==> 槽舌接合 | groove angle ==> 槽角,焊缝坡口角度,坡口角,坡口角度,轧槽边斜角,齿槽角

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Get Your Groove On
Groove Of Christmas
Shake Your Groove Thing
Let's Groove
Don't Disturb This Groove
Don't Step On My Groove
This Groove
Groove Thing
Groove Me
All In The Groove

spirit varnish:挥发清漆

spirit stove 酒精炉 | spirit varnish 挥发清漆 | spirit 烈性酒

breechblock bushing:炮闩轴衬

breech-loading | 后膛装填的, 后装式的 | breechblock bushing | 炮闩轴衬 | breechblock | 尾栓, 闩体, 螺体


Agreeing 同意 | Disagreeing 不同意 | Focusing attention 集中注意力