英语人>网络解释>greased 相关的网络解释

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与 greased 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Have it greased:给它上黄油

Put some engine oil. 抹点黄油 | Have it greased. 给它上黄油 | Put out of hole test string. 取出测试管串

like greased lightning:风驰电掣地

like fury 猛烈地 | like greased lightning 风驰电掣地 | like hell 拼命地

like greased lightning:迅如闪电的,飞快的

71.Like a needle in a bottle/bundle of hay 极度困难,如海底捞针 | 72.Like a lead balloon 毫无作用,效果 | 74.Like greased lightning 迅如闪电的,飞快的

like greased lightning:飞快

火慢慢上来了doing a slow burn /a slow burn was building up inside | 飞快 like greased lightning | 像闪电一样地like a bat out of hell

Greased Cylinder:旋轉一個左輪三格

Gentlemen's Agreement - 选择两位玩家,双方交换左轮中的一颗子弹 | Greased Cylinder - 旋转一个左轮三格 | Hammer Malfunction - 下次开枪时,略过揭露阶段

Greased lightning:风驰电掣地

**Grease the skids 开始一件事情 | *Greased lightning 风驰电掣地 | *Great guns 游乐场枪神

Greased lightning:有人调高了小型摩托车的速度

16.unplanned pizza party 有人从最差的比萨店订比萨送人 | 17.greased lightning 有人调高了小型摩托车的速度 | 18.polar bear bubble bath 动物园里北极熊的池里被人填满了泡泡浴

greased slipway:油脂滑道

横向梳式滑道||comb type side slipway | 油脂滑道||greased slipway | 滑道摇架||slipway turn cradle

greased sleeve:涂油脂的套管

grease-well lubrication ==> 润滑脂槽润滑 | greased sleeve ==> 涂油脂的套管 | greased sluice ==> 油选溜槽

greased table:油选台,涂脂摇床

greased sluice ==> 油选溜槽 | greased table ==> 油选台,涂脂摇床 | greased-surface concentrator ==> 油脂选矿机

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Greased Lightning
Greased Lightnin'
Greased Lightning

be in luck:运气好

Be in harmony with 与...协调一致,与...和睦相处. | Be in luck 运气好 | Be in the dark 蒙在鼓里,不知道

alcohol resin:醇树脂

alcohol motor 酒精发动机 | alcohol resin 醇树脂 | alcohol soluble phenolic resin varnish 醇溶酚醛树脂清漆

bullae formation, vesiculation:水疱形成

bullae 大疱 | bullae formation, vesiculation 水疱形成 | bullous epidermal necrolysis 大疱性表皮坏死松解症