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与 feast 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Babette's Feast:芭比的盛宴

我们看到了"美味关系"(Mostly Mastha)中发生在厨房的爱情,隐藏在"饮食男女"饭桌背后的家庭烦恼,"芭比的盛宴"(Babette's Feast)中的宗教信仰和法国盛宴中的交相辉映,还有"情欲色香味"(The Cook,the Thief,

Babette's Feast:芭贝特的盛宴

芭贝特幸运地获得了法国巨额彩金,她为了回报这对好心的姊妹,特别为她们及村民准备了一场丰富的晚餐,并且唤醒了大家心中尘封已久的对美好事物的渴望 影片评价 >(Babette's Feast)是一部宛若小人书般精致的电影.

Babette's Feast:芭比盛宴

1986 59 the assault攻击de, aanslag | 1987 60 babette's feast芭比盛宴 | 1990 63 journey of hope希望之旅

feast on:尽情享用(美味佳肴), 尽情欣赏

fasten... to... 把...拴在/系在/钉在...上 | feast on 尽情享用(美味佳肴), 尽情欣赏 | feast one's eyes on 尽情欣赏, 大饱眼福,赏心悦目

Feast of Pentecost:五旬节

Father,God the 父神(的工作)506 | Feast of Pentecost 五旬节166,535 | Feast of Tabernacles住棚节68,169

Feast of Purim:普珥日

Fear the Jews 害怕犹太人 145 | Feast of Purim 普珥日261 | Feast of the harvest 收割节324

a triumphal feast:庆功宴

feast one's friends 宴请朋友 | a triumphal feast 庆功宴 | 3)tart n. 果馅饼, 小烘饼 adj.尖酸的,刻薄的

Wedding feast! I'm salivating:婚礼喜筵,我要庆祝婚礼

I will be creating your wedding feast.|我来安排你的婚礼喜筵 | Wedding feast! I'm salivating.|婚礼喜筵,我要庆祝婚礼 | Maggots.|是蛆蛆,呵呵

Arrangement of the Place Setting at A Feast:筵席餐具之配置

筵席座位之排列 Arrangement of Seating Order at A Feast | 筵席餐具之配置 Arrangement of the Place Setting at A Feast | 安排菜單之基本原則 Principles of Planning Menus

Feast of Dedication:修殿节;献殿节

7. Father of lies撒谎之父;恶魔. | 8. Feast of Dedication修殿节;献殿节. | Feast of Light光明节.

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The Undead Will Feast
The Undead Will Feast
An American Prayer / Hour For Magic / Freedom Exists / A Feast Of Friends
A Feast For Me
A Feast For The Vain
A Feast For Crows

Wedding Feast

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy