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与 feast 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The fat ferret fasted first but as fated to feast on a fete:胖鼠脚貂先戒斋,但是注定要在节日大吃一顿

74.The mole, s, mouse's and moose's math is... | 75.The fat ferret fasted first but as fated to feast on a fete.胖鼠脚貂先戒斋,但是注定要在节日大吃一顿. | 76.The banker's brass band began to play to b...

We will feast upon it as she festers in the grave:她在坟墓里腐烂的时候 我们将大快朵颐

I desire the soul of Christine Brown!|我想要Christine ... | We will feast upon it as she festers in the grave!|她在坟墓里腐烂的时候 我们将大快朵颐! | No! It was my manager, Jim Jacks!|不要! 是我经理的错...

American marvelling feast:美式秀色大餐

13、詹姆斯.邦德给人的第一感官--The first impression of James Bone | 14、、美式作风很--American Styles | 15、美式秀色大餐-American marvelling feast

the prefaces of travel and feast:游宴序

奖励招待旅游:Incentive Travel | 游宴序:the prefaces of travel and feast | 广义出行费用:Broad travel cost

the feast of trumpets:犹太人的新年

the fatal sisters 命运三女神 | the feast of trumpets 犹太人的新年 | the fifth wheel of a coach 多余的东西

Even the grandest feast must have an end:盛筵必散

47、盛名之下,其实难副. Common fame is a liar. | 48、盛筵必散. Even the grandest feast must have an end. | 49、生于忧患,死于安乐. Life springs from sorrow and calamity, and death from ease and pleasure...

Even the grandest feast must have an end:盛宴必散

44. Common fame is a lair.盛名之下,其实难副 | 45. Even the grandest feast must have an end.盛宴必散 | 46. Life springs from sorrow and calamity, and death from ease and pleasure.生于忧患,死于安乐

Rise of a Merchant Prince" a part of "Serpentwar saga" by R. Feast:最近读的书

最喜欢的作家Robert Jordan | 最近读的书"Rise of a Merchant Prince" a part of "Serpentwar saga" by R. Feast | 现在最喜欢的游戏Heroes III of Might and Magic, of course

Feast of Tabernacles:住棚节

3.住棚节(Feast of Tabernacles)(出廿三16;利廿三34~43;申十六13~15):这节期共一周,在这期间参加守节的人,要住在搭棚或帐蓬里,记念以色列人离开埃及之后,在旷野的生活方式.

Feast of the Tabernacles:犹太结茅节;神龛节;会幕节

Feasibility Study Section;可行性研究科;; | Feast of the Tabernacles;犹太结茅节;神龛节;会幕节;; | feature article;特稿;;

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The Undead Will Feast
The Undead Will Feast
An American Prayer / Hour For Magic / Freedom Exists / A Feast Of Friends
A Feast For Me
A Feast For The Vain
A Feast For Crows

Wedding Feast

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy