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与 extraction 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dredgers, bucket or sucker, for sand and gravel extraction:挖掘机/采砂机,桶或吸管式,用于沙砾回采

4513000 Sand and gravel extracting, washing, crushi... | 4513001 Dredgers, bucket or sucker, for sand and gravel extraction 挖掘机/采砂机,桶或吸管式,用于沙砾回采 | 4513002 Components and accessories fo...

solid phase extraction:固相萃取

固相萃取(Solid Phase Extraction)是利用固体吸附剂将液体样品中的目标化合物吸附,集体和干扰化合物分离,然后再用洗脱剂洗脱,达到分离和富集的目的. 与传统液液萃取相比,固相萃取有机溶剂用量少,不会产生乳化现象,样品处理简便.

solid phase extraction:固相萃取法

1982 年美草脱净(atrazine)为一非荷尔蒙型移行性杀草剂,台湾地区推荐於凤梨园能(leaching potential)被认定为"高" (17),有关台湾地区地下水中草脱净之残及固相萃取法(solid phase extraction)二种(11, 13),本研究采用二种萃取方法进行漏斗,

solid phase extraction:固相提取

应用Applications: | ◎ 固相提取Solid Phase Extraction | ◎ 磁珠分析Magnetic Bead Assays

Two days and a spinal tap,bone marrow extraction,and three colonoscopies later:两天之内做了脊椎穿, 抽骨髓 三次结肠镜

House decided he wa... | Two days and a spinal tap,bone marrow extraction,and three colonoscopies later,|两天之内做了脊椎穿, 抽骨髓 三次结肠镜 | we sent the guy home with a bunch of painkillers and a d...

hybridof unmixed extraction:杂种纯血统

huskvital part无用的东西实质的部分 | huskydelicate粗糙的精致的 | hybridof unmixed extraction杂种纯血统

hydrometallurgical extraction:水冶提取

hydromechanization 水力机械化 | hydrometallurgical extraction 水冶提取 | hydrometallurgical process 湿式処理技術

isoamylene extraction process:异戊烯抽提过程

isoamyl-malonic acid 异戊基丙二酸 | isoamylene extraction process 异戊烯抽提过程 | isoamylphosphoric acid 异戊基磷酸

Soxhlet extraction:索氏提取

Pistachio 开心果 | Soxhlet extraction 索氏提取 | N-hexane 正乙烷

Soxhlet extraction:莎列特式萃取

"浆箱,浆槽","sow box" | "莎列特式萃取","Soxhlet extraction" | "索杨绸(非洲产)","Soyan cloth"

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Key Entity Extraction I: Domino The Destitute
Key Entity Extraction II: Holly Wood The Cracked
Key Entity Extraction III: Vic The Butcher
Key Entity Extraction IV: Evagria The Faithful
Key Entity Extraction V: Sentry The Defiant


Synthesis: Analog Passive Equalizers=合成: 无源模拟均衡 | Conjugates=变化 | Synthesis: Analog Passive Conjugates=合成:无源模拟变化

atrolactic acid:阿卓乳酸

atroglyceric acid 阿卓甘油酸 | atrolactic acid 阿卓乳酸 | atrolactinic acid 阿卓乳酸


carbing: 大量摄食碳水合物 | carbs: 碳水合物的总称 | circuit training: 巡回训练