英语人>网络解释>eighth 相关的网络解释

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与 eighth 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


That little sack of shit, eighth, eighth from the front. He'll be the first. 那个小矬子,第八个,前面数第八个,他定会拔得头筹. | HEYWOOD ::哦,狗屁!我跟你赌! | SKEET ::斯基特

Chinese Eighth Route Army:八路军

30. three Gorges Dam 三峡水坝 | 31. Chinese Eighth Route Army 八路军 | 32. tie-dye products 漂染工艺产品

the eighth route army:八路军

the East End 伦敦东区 | the eighth route army 八路军 | the Elephant Hill (桂林)象鼻山

Many of the Eighth Route Army are dead shots:许多八路军都是神枪手

If you come to Shaoyang I'll sure do the honors. 如果... | Many of the Eighth Route Army are dead shots. 许多八路军都是神枪手. | After the failure of his last novel, his reputation stands on slippery ...

since eighth grade:想执行的计划

What plan?|你还问? | since eighth grade|想执行的计划 | No, there's no plan Not anymore|不,没什么计划,也不会再有了

yeah,eighth grade,le rosey:对 八年级 Le Rosey(瑞士贵族学校)

right.|哦 | yeah,eighth grade,le rosey.|对 八年级 Le Rosey(瑞士贵族学校) | good times.|好时光

the routine from eighth grade:八年级的招牌舞

So you guys are telling me that you actually did...|等等,你们真的跳了 | ...the routine from eighth grade?|八年级的招牌舞? | Yeah! But of course we had to update it a little bit.|对,不过当然得稍做修正

Eighth Grade Teachers' Office","8GTO:八年级导师办公室

"七年级导师办公室","Seventh Grade Teachers' Office","7GTO" | "八年级导师办公室","Eighth Grade Teachers' Office","8GTO" | "九年级导师办公室","Ninth Grade Teachers' Office

coolest boy in|eighth grade is probably:八年级里头最酷的男生,可能是

Let's go.|走吧 | ...coolest boy in|eighth grade is probably...|八年级里头最酷的男生,可能是... | ...Willard Hughes.|威勒.休斯

Chuck, remember how in the eighth grade,|Chuck:还记得八年级时

his shoes were on the wrong feet.|他鞋子都穿错了 | Chuck, remember how in the eighth grade,|Chuck 还记得八年级时 | you used to help yourself to the decanter|你在Nate的爸爸的书房里

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Eighth Grade Summer Romance
Angel Of Eighth Avenue

absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

