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与 dough 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sponge gourd, dishcloth gourd, bonnet gourd:丝瓜

"中种[面团]法","sponge dough (method), sponge dough and main dough method" | "丝瓜","sponge gourd, dishcloth gourd, bonnet gourd" | "海绵状肉","sponge meat"

hard dough stage:硬黄熟期,坚糊熟期

hard-core Q machine ==> 硬芯Q装置 | hard-dough stage ==> 硬黄熟期,坚糊熟期 | hard-drawing ==> 冷拔,冷拉

early dough stage:蜡熟初期

early diagnosis ==> 早期诊断 | early dough stage ==> 蜡熟初期 | Early equivalent circuit ==> 阿莱型等效电路

soft dough stage:蜡熟初期

soft docking ==> 软对接 | soft dough stage ==> 蜡熟初期 | soft drawn ==> 软拉

middle dough stage:蜡熟中期

middle double cut file ==> 中双纹锉 | middle dough stage ==> 蜡熟中期 | middle ear ==> 中耳

stiff dough stage:硬熟期

stiff differential equation ==> 僵化微分方程,病态微分方程 | stiff dough stage ==> 硬熟期 | stiff dowel bar ==> 劲性接缝条


doughup揉面团 | dough-baked夹生的 | doughing调面(的)

Marinated bran dough with peanuts and wood ear fungus:四喜烤麸

桂花马蹄芋艿 Taro and water chestnut salad | 四喜烤麸 Marinated bran dough with peanuts and wood ear fungus | 南瓜百合 Pumpkin and lily bulbs salad

Dough Figurines:面雕

The God of Longevity 老寿星 | Dough Figurines 面雕 | Ice Carving 冰雕

You may flour the pastry board so that the dough doesn't stick to it:你可以在做糕点的面板上撒些面粉,这样揉 好的面粉就不会粘到板上了

6041. We made some bread... | 6042. You may flour the pastry board so that the dough doesn't stick to it. 你可以在做糕点的面板上撒些面粉,这样揉 好的面粉就不会粘到板上了. | 6043. There were two or thre...

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Fuck Me On The Dough
I Make The Dough, You Get The Glory
Ain't Got No Dough
Get That Dough
Dough Is What I Got
No Dough
I Love the Dough
Get That Dough
Weed, Hoes, Dough
Blow At High Dough

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy