英语人>网络解释>difficult 相关的网络解释

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与 difficult 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A helmsman is tested in a rough sea; a hero is distinguished in difficult circumstances:风浪里试舵手,困难中识英雄

If you have tasted the bitterness of gall, yo... | A helmsman is tested in a rough sea; a hero is distinguished in difficult circumstances. 风浪里试舵手,困难中识英雄. | He jests at scars, that never f...

Everything is difficult at the start:萬事開頭難

萬物之靈 the lords of creation | 萬事開頭難 Everything is difficult at the start | 萬無一失 not a single miss in a thousand times.

Everything is difficult at the start:事

?物之? the lords of creation | ?事??? Everything is difficult at the start | ??一失 not a single miss in a thousand times.

Eextremecclything is difficult at the start:萬事開頭難

萬物之靈 the lords of creation | 萬事開頭難 Eextremecclything is difficult at the start | 落井下石 to hit a person when he's down

an attempt to do something especially when it is difficult to do:艰难的尝试;试图;尽力

an attempt to do something especially when it is difficult to do 艰难的尝试;试图;尽力 countable ~ (to do sth) | to make a determined/real/special effor... | The company has laid off 150 workers in an e...

I preferred to be assigned something more difficult to do:我宁愿被分配(得到)些更困难的工作做

3. You are bound to be received warmly. 你定会受到热情... | 4. I preferred to be assigned something more difficult to do. 我宁愿被分配(得到)些更困难的工作做. | 5. He was often spoken about. 他常被人们...

It is extremely difficult to be sure about:确信---是极其困难的

15. Sb has/have reason to do sth某人有理由做某事 | 16. It is extremely difficult to be sure about确信---是极其困难的 | 17. My point is that我的观点是

Difficult is having umpteen phone calls from vendors with wedding questions:不满意就是接了 无数个询问婚礼的电话

Difficult? You know what difficult is?|不满意? 你... | Difficult is having umpteen phone calls from vendors with wedding questions...|不满意就是接了 无数个询问婚礼的电话 | ...that I can't answer.|但我根...

bad-looking, boring, difficult:很不好看

很好看"very good-looking, very interesting, very easy" | 很不好看bad-looking, boring, difficult | 都很不好看"all bad looking,all boring, all difficult"

difficult voidings of white urine:小便难而白

小便难 difficult urination | 小便难而白 difficult voidings of white urine | 小建中汤 Minor Center-Fortifying Decoction

第1/40页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
The Difficult Kind
Difficult Child
Difficult Woman
Difficult By Design
These Are Difficult Times / Remember The Good Times
It's Not Difficult
Difficult For Weirdos
Healing Is Difficult

absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

