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与 darkens 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Before the Sky Darkens:在天黑之前

7.Read Your Fate解读你的命运 | 1.Before the Sky Darkens在天黑之前 | 2.Looking for a Rest Area寻找休息地

When the horizon darkens most:当地平线变暗

Will their dreams fade to nothing? 他们的梦想会消逝殆尽吗 | When the horizon darkens most 当地平线变暗 | We all need to believe there is hope 我们要相信的是会有希望

When the horizon darkens most:而当地平线变得更暗时

Will their dreams fade to nothing ? 他们的梦想就此消逝无踪? | When the horizon darkens most. 而当地平线变得更暗时, | We all need to believe there is hope. 所有的人都必须相信会有希望,

When the horizon darkens most:地平??暗

Will their dreams fade to nothing? 他?的?想?消逝殆?? | When the horizon darkens most ?地平??暗 | We all need to believe there is hope 我?要相信的是?有希望

The sky darkens, my life flashes:天空变暗,我的生命消逝

Put it to my brain and scream "die Shady" and pump it 朝着我的脑袋,喊... | The sky darkens, my life flashes 天空变暗,我的生命消逝 | the plane that I was supposed to be on crashes and burns to ashes 我本...

The sky darkens, my life flashes:世界变黑 人生片段不断闪过眼前

Put it to my brain, scream "die shady" and pop it 扣扳机... | The sky darkens, my life flashes 世界变黑 人生片段不断闪过眼前 | The plane that i was supposed to be on crashes and burns to ashes 坐上飞机...

The twilight darkens, the curlew calls:天黄昏,暮鸦啼

潮涨兮,潮落兮. The tide rises, the tide falls, | 天黄昏,暮鸦啼. The twilight darkens, the curlew calls, | 褐色海滩潮又湿, Along the sea-sands damp and brown

The twilight darkens, the curlew calls:麻鹬声中夜色临

The tide rises, the tide falls, 潮水升,潮水沉, | The twilight darkens, the curlew calls; 麻鹬声中夜色临, | Along the sea-sands damp and brown 沿着海边黄沙滩,

The twilight darkens, the curlew calls:黄昏渐渐暗淡下去,杓鹬的啼叫响起来

The tide rises, the tide falls, 潮汐升起又落下 | The twilight darkens, the curlew calls; 黄昏渐渐暗淡下去,杓鹬的啼叫响起来 | Along the sea-sands damp and brown 踩着海滩上潮湿棕色的沙子

The glass darkens, the mute stars:玻璃暗淡星夜孤独

All is forgotten now; 一切在此浸入迷雾, | The glass darkens, the mute stars, 玻璃暗淡星夜孤独, | Show where you have been, 指引我你所走之路,

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spirit varnish:挥发清漆

spirit stove 酒精炉 | spirit varnish 挥发清漆 | spirit 烈性酒

breechblock bushing:炮闩轴衬

breech-loading | 后膛装填的, 后装式的 | breechblock bushing | 炮闩轴衬 | breechblock | 尾栓, 闩体, 螺体


Agreeing 同意 | Disagreeing 不同意 | Focusing attention 集中注意力