英语人>网络解释>cry 相关的网络解释
与 cry 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is a shotgun wedding:这是一起为怀孕所迫的结婚

10. I am terrible. 我很糟糕. | 11. This is a shotgun wedding. 这是一起为怀孕所迫的结婚. | 12. Don't cry on my shoulder. 别向我诉苦!

cast sheep's eyes:暗送秋波 投深情的眼光

Carrot and stick 软硬兼施 胡萝卜与大棒 | Cast sheep's eyes 暗送秋波 投深情的眼光 | Cry one's eyes out 悲痛欲绝 估计是泪水太多,冲出眼珠子.

cast sheep's eyes at sb:眉目传情

In like a lion, out like a lamb 虎头蛇尾 | cry with one eye and laugh woth the other 口是心非 | cast sheep's eyes at sb. 眉目传情

Troopers come to arrest the fornicators:骑兵警察会来逮捕通奸者

It must happen today. For all to see.|今天一定要做成... | Troopers come to arrest the fornicators.|骑兵警察会来逮捕通奸者 | Cry out, Master Joliffe, and I will open your nose like a fig.|若利夫先生 你敢...

The Girlfriends:女朋友

20 The Cry 呼喊 [1957] | 21 The Girlfriends 女朋友 [1955] | 22 Love in the City 城市中的爱情 [1953]

Mama's boy:没戒奶的小孩

I'll give you something to cry about, woman!|我会令你哭的,丑女人! | Mama's boy!|没戒奶的小孩! | I didn't raise no faggot!|我不养芦柴棒!

Love set you going like a fat gold watch:爱令你走来如一只胖乎乎的金表

Morning Song 晨歌 | Love set you going like a fat gold watch. 爱令你走来如一只胖乎乎的金表 | The midwife slapped your footsoles, and your bald cry 助产士拍拍你的脚底,你单调的哭声

wow interj. an expression of surprise:哇,呀

oak n. 橡树 | wow interj. an expression of surprise 哇,呀 | exclaim vt. Cry out suddenly because of surprise, anger, pain, etc. 惊叫,叫喊说

Ratatouille USA:料理鼠王

ADW-103 老虎伍兹高尔夫球巡回赛08 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 USA | ADW-085 料理鼠王 Ratatouille USA | ADW-013 孤岛惊魂-复仇 Far Cry Vengeance USA

News for Redheads:红头发的特质

Inventor Says No More Tears with Baby-Cry Gadget/一机在手,不怕儿啼 | News for Redheads/红头发的特质 | No Evidence Housework Improves Health/家务无益健康

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Cry, Cry, Cry
Cry, Cry, Cry
Cry! Cry! Cry!
Cry, Cry, Cry
Cry Cry Cry
Cry, Cry, Cry
Cry, Cry, Cry
Cry, Cry, Cry
Cry Cry Cry
Cry Cry Cry

haulage device:拖曳设备;运输设备

haul road 运料路;拖运材料的道路 | haulage device 拖曳设备;运输设备 | hazardous slope 危险斜坡

Let sb. in:让某人进

8.be late for school上学迟到 | 9.let sb in让某人进 | 11.travel around the world环游世界

half-long vowel:半長元音

semi-rolled vowel 半抖音 | half-long vowel 半長元音 | semi-long vowel 半長元音