英语人>网络解释>calorie 相关的网络解释

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与 calorie 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gram centimeter:克公分

克卡(路里) gram calorie; small calorie; calorie | 克公分 gram centimeter | 葛冷行列式 Gram determinants

Eat low-calorie frozen foods:吃低卡路里的冷冻食品

66 Cut coffee and cigarettes.戒除咖啡和香烟 | 67 Eat low-calorie frozen foods.吃低卡路里的冷冻食品 | 68 Make your own frozen treats.做自己的冷冻大餐

Cooperation in Research on Low-Calorie Solid-Fuel Technology:低热量固体燃料技术研究

Corporation for Development Studies;发展研究公... | Cooperation in Research on Low-Calorie Solid-Fuel Technology;低热量固体燃料技术研究;; | Cooperation in the Maintenance of Peace and Security, and Dis...

but you should also consider a low-calorie diet:不过你还是应该考虑低卡饮食

You shouldn't have any trouble with getting her to e... | ...but you should also consider a low-calorie diet.|不过你还是应该考虑低卡饮食 | Wow, I don't know what to say, but I'll see you at the taping....

slug tuner:芯块调谐器

淤渣 sludge | 芯块调谐器 slug tuner | 小卡(路里) small calorie; gramme calorie; calorie

NCR nutrient to calorie ratio:营养素与热能比,养分对能量比

NCI National Cheese Institute 全国干酪研究所[美] | NCR nutrient to calorie ratio 营养素与热能比,养分对能量比 | ND nitrogen digestibility 氮消化率

NCR nutrient to calorie ratio:养分对热量比

NCGA National Corn Growers Association 全国玉米种植者协会 (美) | NCR nutrient to calorie ratio 养分对热量比 | NDF neutral detergent fiber 中性洗涤纤维

nutrient to calorie ratio (NCR):养分对能量比

nutrient theory ==> 营养理论 | nutrient to calorie ratio (NCR) ==> 养分对能量比 | nutrient uptake ==> 营养吸收,营养吸收度,吸收营养

large calorie:大卡,千卡

large calorie || 大卡,千卡 | large computer || 大型计算机 | large core memory || 大容量磁心存储器

great calorie:大卡

greasy 油性的 | great calorie 大卡 | great circle chart 大圆海图;日晷投影地图

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absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

