英语人>网络解释>bold 相关的网络解释
与 bold 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bold: 无畏的,明显的 | reassert: 再次断言 | dictate: 口述,命令,支配

for rejoicing more:沒有喜悅的奢求

Flower bold, but there's no need花開鮮豔卻 | for rejoicing more沒有喜悅的奢求 | Precious life, this life just once,奢華的生命,這生命只有一次

Horse in the River in full strength:马跃河头露狰容

炮于卒底藏玄秘 Cannon behind the Pawn with secrets | 马跃河头露狰容 Horse in the River in full strength | 车横九宫如虎踞 Rook crossed the Palaces in bold steps



This ain't Amsterdam, Vince This is a seller's market:这儿不是荷兰 行家才来

That's a bold statement|你还真有自信 | This ain't Amsterdam, Vince This is a seller's market|这儿不是荷兰 行家才来 | Coke is fucking dead as dead|古柯碱不流行了

She was shyer than unsocial:她不是不爱社交,只不过是怕羞

He was more ambitious than talented. 他的野心超过才能. | She was shyer than unsocial. 她不是不爱社交,只不过是怕羞. | He was more bold than strong. 他力气虽然不大,胆子倒不小.

cock sparrow:爱闹事,好吵架的人;矮小而强悍的人

Cock one's ears 竖起耳朵;专心听;激发对听之物的兴趣 | Cock sparrow 爱闹事,好吵架的人;矮小而强悍的人 | Cock is bold on his own dunghill 公鸡总是在自己的粪便上称雄;地头蛇在自己的地盘上称王称霸

And the peelers must stand idle:那些剥皮器具闲散地站在那里

that their bold captain is nowhere to be found 他们勇敢的队长已然离去 | And the peelers must stand idle, 那些剥皮器具闲散地站在那里 | all against their will and main 违背着他们的力量还有愿意

To striver:奋斗

Fortune favours the bold 命运总是佑助勇士 | To striver 奋斗 | Modesty is intelligence 谦虚就是才智


font-weight:bold /*文字粗体*/ | vertical-align:sub /*下标字*/ | vertical-align:super/*上标字*/

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Your Next Bold Move
Bold Soldier
A Bold Young Farmer
Attack Of The Dashing Young And Bold
My Love Is Bold
Only The Meek Get Pinched, The Bold Survive
Bold As Love
Axis: Bold As Love
Bold As Love

vehicular bridge:行车桥

vehicular border link 边境连接道路 | vehicular bridge 行车桥 | vehicular corridor 行车走廊


近代社会,随着非洲与西方帝国的分裂,非洲的农业正面临着倒退(setback). 欧洲的百万富翁们、军政要员们以及科学家们带来了他们的欧洲谷类(cereal)譬如小麦和玉米,并且认为那些他们所不熟悉的非洲谷类都是劣等作物. 伴随着现代化的包装和广告,

Ave maria/The little drummer boy:聖母頌

1. The first noel 天籟序曲 | 2. Ave maria/The little drummer boy 聖母頌 | 3. When a child is born 小小鼓手