英语人>网络解释>bold 相关的网络解释
与 bold 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Italic type:斜体

在代码段中,斜体(italic type) 的字体表示不详细给出的代码,他们满足在代码段文本中详细描述的要求. 在关于宏(macro)生成的符号(token)的文档规范中,粗体(bold type) 字体用来突出显示宏参数在展开后的结果中的位置.

Toggle to italicize and back:斜体字

Toggle to bold and back/加粗字体 Ctrl+B | Toggle to italicize and back/斜体字 Ctrl+I | Toggle to underline and back/添加下划线 Ctrl+U

cruel kindness:既残忍又仁慈

commercial traveler 旅行推销员 | cruel kindness 既残忍又仁慈 | f ool ishly bold 有勇无谋

fine; minutely; thin; slender:细

冒 emit; brave; bold; send out; to cover | 细 fine; minutely; thin; slender | 汗珠 beads of sweat

Seeing all his own mischance:预测到自己不幸的前途

Like some bold seer in a trance, 像个出神的勇敢占卜人. | Seeing all his own mischance-- 预测到自己不幸的前途- | With a glassy countenance 她脸上的表情木然又平静,

Seeing all his own mischance:她的面容仿佛已经凝住

like some bold seer in a trance, 她又一次望向卡莫洛特 | seeing all his own mischance -- 她的面容仿佛已经凝住 | with a glassy countenance 象一个被附体的占卜者 --

Seeing all his own mischance:看清了自己的灾难

Like some bold seer in a trance 就像先知静静地出神 | Seeing all his own mischance 看清了自己的灾难 | With a glassy countenance 她如镜的面容

使潮湿 moisten 使潮湿:dampen

68 customary 习俗的 usual 一般的 | 69 dampen 使潮湿 moisten 使潮湿 | 70 daring 大胆的 bold 大胆的

brave, courageous, intrepid, valiant, gallant, plucky, valorous, nervy:勇敢的

诚实的,忠诚的: truthful, veracious, faithful, loyal, stanch, genuine, h... | 勇敢的: brave, courageous, intrepid, valiant, gallant, plucky, valorous, nervy | 大胆的: fearless, adventurous, bold, dauntl...

Talking nonsense:满嘴食火:头脑发热,吹牛浮夸,满嘴胡话

满嘴食火:头脑发热,吹牛浮夸,满嘴胡话. Talking nonsense | 没眼眉:不识时务,不识趣,不能应变. Be insensible | N 蔫土匪:沉默而胆大的人. People who is usually silent while truly bold

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Your Next Bold Move
Bold Soldier
A Bold Young Farmer
Attack Of The Dashing Young And Bold
My Love Is Bold
Only The Meek Get Pinched, The Bold Survive
Bold As Love
Axis: Bold As Love
Bold As Love

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy