英语人>网络解释>big 相关的网络解释
与 big 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

big capsicum:柿子椒

big bud ==> 大芽病 | big capsicum ==> 柿子椒 | big coal D ==> 煤矿用D炸药

You like big booties:你喜欢大屁股吗

Especially when they have big booties.|特别是那些有大屁股的 | You like big booties?|你喜欢大屁股吗? | I pick up a lot of big booties here in this cab.|我在这辆出租车上载过很多大屁股

big capsicums:甜椒, 柿子椒, 灯笼椒

big capital || 垄断资本 大企业 | big capsicums || 甜椒, 柿子椒, 灯笼椒 | big cheese || 重要人物, 具有影响力的人

I'll raise a big stink if they fire me:他们要是开除我,我就非闹个天翻地覆不可

281. That is really big of you, Fred. Fred,你真高尚... | 282. I'll raise a big stink if they fire me. 他们要是开除我,我就非闹个天翻地覆不可. | 283. No more big talk. I want action! 别夸夸其谈了,我要的是...

big foreheads:满口獠牙 头大如斗 耳朵招风 而且臭不可闻 - 是Mangalore人

Wait a minute. I see one. They're... | - They got big teeth, big foreheads, big ears and they stink! - Mangalores.|- 满口獠牙 头大如斗 耳朵招风 而且臭不可闻 - 是Mangalore人 | The government sent me to ...

Big Mommas House:卧底肥妈

本站提供卧底肥妈(Big Mommas House)在线观看服务,但暂不卧底肥妈(Big Mommas House)下载. 建优质网站,拒绝违法色情信息. 所有资源收集于网络,仅做宽带测试,如侵害您的权益请及时联系我们. 本站不具有有关卧底肥妈(Big Mommas House)的所有版权,相关版权归原著作权人所有!

Big Mommas House:(卧底老妈子,又名:卧底肥妈)

92) Big Hit, The (好胆别走) | 93) Big Mommas House (卧底老妈子,又名:卧底肥妈) | 94) Big Tease, The (无敌大斗发)

Big Mommas House 2:绝地奶霸2

Big Mommas House 卧底肥妈 | Big Mommas House 2 绝地奶霸2 | Big Night 今晚大件事

Big old titties:大奶子

Big old--big old titties--|两个大奶子... | Big old titties--|大奶子... | - Jasper. - Brrrrrrrrr!|贾斯伯

big tits:心灵和鲜花的市场很小

There's very little market for hearts and flowers..... | in this spandex-clad, big pecs, big tits, big guns field.|心灵和鲜花的市场很小... | If I sell two issues, I feel likeJohn Grisham.|如果我卖出了两...

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Big Cars Big House
Big Girl Big City
A Town Called Big Nothing (Really Big Nothing)
Big Love, Big Heartache
Big Big World
Big Big World (TNT's Big Phat Mix)
Big Big Love (Fig. 2)
Big Big Kid
Big Big Love
Big (The Big Show Theme)

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy