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与 anyway 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The papers thought it was a hate crime:报纸误以为那是一个报仇计划

Last winter I went up on a church lawn and drove right through a manger scene... | The papers thought it was a hate crime.|报纸误以为那是一个报仇计划 | - Anyway, it was lovely seeing you. - Okay.|-无论...

in "The Crucible":激情年代"里的Abigail 但是那时候 才高二吧

I mean, yeah, she was pretty good as Abigail|我是... | in "The Crucible", but what was that, like, 11th grade?|"激情年代"里的Abigail 但是那时候 才高二吧? | Anyway, the point is... is I'm not Carol.|总之...

Okay. I talked to the vet. People are so nice upstate:我跟兽医谈了,北边的人真是很友善

[11:37.804]Hey.Hey,Phoebe,Oh,hey,how'... | [11:40.914]Okay.I talked to the vet.People are so nice upstate. 我跟兽医谈了,北边的人真是很友善. | [11:44.52]Anyway,he said the little fella's gonna be okay,a...

That's what you get when you call on a second string:找一个候补者就会这样

Anyway, I told you I was a bad bridesmaid.|总之,我告诉过你我是一个不合格的伴娘 | That's what you get when you call on a second string.|找一个候补者就会这样 | editorial note 17.|剪辑者注17

You're what the French call les incompetents:你就是法语中说的那种 "无能之辈

You know Mom's gonna pack your stuff, anyway.|你知道,不管怎么样 妈会帮你收拾东西的 | You're what the French call les incompetents.|你就是法语中说的那种 "无能之辈" | What?|什么?

Satan's Paedophiles:像撒旦一样的恋童癖

You know, while I was in here, also, I joined a biker gang.|你知道吗,我在这里面 还加入了一个脚踏车... | Satan's Paedophiles.|像撒旦一样的恋童癖 | Anyway, they said when I get out,|不管它,他们说如果我出去...

My mom thinks I might have been a little traumatised by the whole thing:我妈认为我一定对这件事受到了很大的创伤

Yeah, but I don't.|是的,但是... | My mom thinks I might have been a little traumatised by the whole thing.|我妈认为我一定对这件事受到了很大的创伤. | Anyway, all I remember is, he was great.|不管怎样,我...

It's an acquired taste:这是逐渐培养的口味

"Sorry, folks. These are not for me...Thanks, anyway." 抱歉,伙计们. 不合我口... | It's an acquired taste. 这是逐渐培养的口味. | "Kevin and I talked it over, and we want you to have the ring." 凯文和我讨...

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If It Ain't Broke, Fix It Anyway
I'm Gonna Love You Anyway
We Would've Broken Up Once You Heard This Song Anyway
Doing It Anyway
Say Something Anyway
Do It Anyway
It Happened Anyway
Anyway You Choose To Give It
But Anyway

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy