英语人>网络解释>adore 相关的网络解释

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与 adore 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lord, Be Glorified:我主當受極大尊榮

我們敬拜尊崇祢 / We Worship And Adore You | 我主當受極大尊榮 / Lord, Be Glorified | 9. 因祂活著 / Because He Lives

believe me,no one is more surprised or ashamed than i am:相信我 不会有人比我更惊讶 或者更羞愧了

this is not--not happening.|这... | believe me,no one is more surprised or ashamed than i am.|相信我 不会有人比我更惊讶 或者更羞愧了 | chuck,you know that i adore all of god's creatures|chuck 你知道我喜...

believe me,no one is more surprised or ashamed than i am:[相信我 没人比我更诧异 更觉得丢脸了]

This is not--not happening. [没... | Believe me,no one is more surprised or ashamed than i am. [相信我 没人比我更诧异 更觉得丢脸了] | Chuck,you know that i adore all of god's creatures [Chuck 你知道我爱...

and I felt like I was re-enacting parts of my former life:我感觉又回到了以前的生活

Past memories kept flooding my mind,|... | and I felt like I was re-enacting parts of my former life.|我感觉又回到了以前的生活 | You know I loved, and still love and adore, Mummy more than anyone in th...

attract admirers:吸引爱慕者

● 相互爱慕 be affectionate to each other; adore each other | ● 吸引爱慕者 attract admirers | ● 吐露爱慕之情 utter one's admiration

Je dors dans tes h?tels:我睡在你的酒店里

Et j'picolle en argot 我还用黑话和当地人交谈 | Je dors dans tes h?tels 我睡在你的酒店里 | J'adore ta tour Eiffel 我深爱你的埃菲尔铁塔

Smashing Pumpkins:碎瓜

"碎瓜"(Smashing Pumpkins)乐队的主唱Billy Corgan已正式宣布,历经12年的风风雨雨,"碎瓜"(Smashing Pumpkins)已到了曲终人散时. Corgan还说:"我们就是想再出一张专辑,倒不是因为<<喜欢>>(Adore)无人喝彩我们负气才这样做,想回报一下歌迷们,

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I Adore U
Adore U
The One That I Adore
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
I Adore U
Adore You Parody
I Do Adore Her
Il Adore

absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

