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与 adore 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


10: 愿我的话语May the Words 01:59 | 11: 安息日和节日的祁福仪式Kiddush 03:25 | 12: 让我们崇拜Let Us Adore 01:53

His house is lavishly adorned:他的家装饰得非常华丽

245. The boys adore their mothers. 男孩们敬慕他们的母亲. | 246. His house is lavishly adorned. 他的家装饰得非常华丽. | 247. The book is adorned with excellent illustrations. 书内有精美插图.

Is it lovey dovey stuff:它是爱人的填充物吗

Another partner in your life to abuse and to adore 你生命中用来辱骂与喜爱的另一半 | Is it lovey dovey stuff 它是爱人的填充物吗 | Do you need a bit of rough 你需要粗鲁一点吗

Is it lovey dovey stuff:它是多情的理由(题材,填充物)吗

Another partner in your life to abuse and to adore 你生命中用来虐待与喜爱的另一半 | Is it lovey-dovey stuff 它是多情的理由(题材,填充物)吗 | Do you need a bit of rough 你需要粗鲁一点吗


"(I adore it.),则可能会被犯罪者批评为"白痴"(Idiot)或"糊涂蛋"(Sucker.),被扒了还一味忍耐下去,一定会使对方面临"不幸"(misfortune),所以这世间的因果报应真是有趣.

How painfully, achingly sweet:令人心痛的香气,还在弥漫

How heavy are the hawthorn trees in Spring,春天的山楂树上,多么沉重的负担 | How painfully, achingly sweet...令人心痛的香气,还在弥漫...... | I HAVE said I adore you;我爱你,我已经表白

Prima donna enchant us once again:首席女高音,再次令我们迷醉吧

Think of how they all adore you|想想他们如此崇拜你 | Prima donna enchant us once again|首席女高音,再次令我们迷醉吧 | Think of your muse|想想你的才华

ODIOUS : REPUGNANCE :: scarce : poverty or menacing : fear:讨厌的:反感::不足的:贫穷 or 威胁的:害怕

INDULGE : ABSTEMIOUS :: control : intransige... | ODIOUS : REPUGNANCE :: scarce : poverty or menacing : fear =讨厌的:反感::不足的:贫穷 or 威胁的:害怕 | FLATTER : OBSEQUIOUS :: woo : adore or smother : ...

Smashing Pumpkins:碎瓜

"碎瓜"(Smashing Pumpkins)乐队的主唱Billy Corgan已正式宣布,历经12年的风风雨雨,"碎瓜"(Smashing Pumpkins)已到了曲终人散时. Corgan还说:"我们就是想再出一张专辑,倒不是因为>(Adore)无人喝彩我们负气才这样做,想回报一下歌迷们,

straight flush:《同花顺》/林倛玉

>/黄韵仁 Adore The Foolish | >/林倛玉 Straight Flush | >/林俊杰 Little Dimples

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I Adore U
Adore U
The One That I Adore
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
I Adore U
Adore You Parody
I Do Adore Her
Il Adore

absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

