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与 Turkish 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Urdu 烏爾都語:10.8% | Finnish 芬蘭文:8.3% | Turkish 希臘文:7.5%


8.TURKISH STUDIES* 土尔其语言学* | 9.FINNO-UGRIC STUDIES* 芬兰-乌格尔语言学 | 10.POLISH* 波兰语*

Fill high the cup with Samian wine:将杯中满注撒密安美酒

In vain -- in vain: strike other chords; 徒劳啊, 徒劳,且换另一支曲调: | Fill high the cup with Samian wine ! 将杯中满注撒密安美酒! | Leave battles to the Turkish hordes, 让土耳其蛮子去赢得战争,

Fill high the cup with Samian wine:满满倒一杯萨摩斯美酒吧

改改腔调吧,说这些全无意义In vain - in vain: strike other chords; | 满满倒一杯萨摩斯美酒吧!Fill high the cup with Samian wine! | 打仗让突厥的蛮夷领兵 Leave battles to the Turkish hordes,

Hindi Subtitles:北印度文

Swedish Subtitles 瑞典文 | Hindi Subtitles 北印度文 | Turkish Subtitles 土耳其文

The Imamate of Oman:阿曼苏丹国 (穆斯林派系)

5 The Malikate of Sindh马里卡特苏国 (穆斯林派系) | 6 The Imamate of Oman阿曼苏丹国 (穆斯林派系) | 7 The Turkish Sultanate土耳其苏丹国 (穆斯林派系)


Turkish Cypriot State;土族塞人国;; | inculpation;起诉;诉讼,控告;; | mise en accusation;起诉;诉讼,控告;;

of ancient Ismaili assassins. " Hm:原属古代伊斯玛仪派刺客

"from the Turkish 'hoca':|A, a title of respect for teacher.|出自土耳其语... | ...of ancient Ismaili assassins. " Hm.|原属古代伊斯玛仪派刺客 | - Lets go with A, for teacher.|- I don't know.|- 应该是 A 老...



maple leaves:马里兰的秋天,整树的鲜红色枫叶

8 堪萨斯国家高草草原自然保护区,红色的漆树叶 Sumac Leaves | 9 马里兰的秋天,整树的鲜红色枫叶 Maple Leaves | 10 伊斯坦布尔的一间卧室里使用了土耳其的深红色国旗作为床单 Turkish Flag

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Yassassin (Turkish For Long Live)
Uska Dara (A Turkish Tale)
Acid Turkish Bath (Shelter From The Storm)
Baba (Father - Turkish Version)
Turkish Song Of The Damned
Mother (Turkish)
You Came To Me (Turkish)

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy