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与 音乐家 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ritchie Blackmore was one of my eary guitar heroes, and the first person I ever heard play what later came to be called "Neo-Baroque Heavy Metal."


Professor XIE Jia-Xing is the Professor and the Director of Music Research Institute of China Conservatory, with a Master Degree in Composing Theory (1988) and a PH.D. of Music Aesthetic (2004). He is also the leading figure in music education discipline in China Conservatory, the associate director of the Education Committee of the Chinese Musicians Association , the president of the Music Education Commission of CMA, the director of the Music Education Academic Committee of CEC, the director of the Music Aesthetic Committee of CMA, the director of the Music Psychology Society, the director of Chinese Association of Music Communication, the member of International Society of Music Education, Committeeman of CPCEMM(COMMISSION ON MUSIC IN CULTURAL, EDUCATIONAL, AND MASS MEDIA POLICIES) of ISME, the adviser of APSMER. He is the part-time professor of Xian Conservatory, the part-time professor of Tianjin Conservatory, the specially hired professor of Art Institute of Henan University and the member of Exterior Examination Committee Member of the Education Institute of Hong kong.

谢嘉幸,中国音乐学院音乐研究所所长、教授、学院学术委员会委员, 1988 年毕业於中国音乐学院作曲系,获作曲理论硕士学位; 2004 年在中央音乐学院获音乐美学方向博士学位;中国音乐家协会教育委员会主任助理;中国音乐家协会音乐教育学学会会长;中国教育学会音乐教育专业委员会理事、音乐教育学学术委员会主任;中国音乐家协会音乐美学学会理事;中国音乐家协会音乐心理学学会理事;中国音乐家协会音乐传播学会理事;北京音乐家协会理事;国际音乐教育学会会员、文化教育与大众传媒政策委员会委员;亚太音乐教育研究会顾问;亚太艺术教育学报编委;国家教委教育科学"八五""九五"规划重点课题负责人;西安音乐学院兼职教授,天津音乐学院兼职教授,河南大学艺术学院特聘教授,香港教育学院院外考试委员。

James Kellaris, a marketing professor at the University of Cincinnati College of Business Administration, has done research on earworms and brain itch, and he's found that as many as 99 percent of us have fallen prey to them at one time or another. Kellaris says women, musicians and people who are neurotic, tired or stressed are most prone to earworm attacks. With musicians, it makes sense because they're listening to music continuously, but Kellaris isn't sure why women are more susceptible to earworms.

辛辛那提大学公商管理学院市场营销教授James Kellaris对耳虫和大脑渴求进行过研究,他发现我们中有99%的人都遇到这种问题,他说,妇女,音乐家和那些神经过敏的、疲惫的或者是压力大的人最有可能患此类疾病,就拿音乐家来说,这是有一定道理的,因为他们经常听音乐,但是Kellaris不清楚为什么妇女也属于这一类。

Theobald Bhm (April 9, 1794 – November 27, 1881) was a Bavarian inventor and musician, who perfected the modern Western concert flute and its improved fingering system. In addition, he was a virtuoso flautist and was a Bavarian Court Musician as well as a celebrated composer for the flute.


Michael Nyman argues in ''Experimental Music'' that minimalism was a reaction to and made possible by both serialism and indeterminism.

有趣的是,似是与 Cage 的「非决定论」对立的「过度决定论」序列音乐家,也同样生产音效上差不多效果的音乐,许多序列音乐家

The second wave of New Orleans Jazz musicians like Joe "King" Oliver , Kid Ory and Jelly Roll Morton formed small bands that took the music of these older men and increased the complexity and dynamic of their music, as well as gaining greater commercial success.


The talents of Peter Kater and R.

新世纪音乐家Peter Kater和同为音乐家的原住民朋友R。

His talent for music soon led him to become among the best musicians in the regiment, and he continued to study with Emil Lehr, one of the most prominent musicians of the latter half of the nineteenth century.

他的在音乐上的天分很快带领他在军团的最佳的音乐家之中成为,并且他继续学习与Emil Lehr,其中一位19世纪的后者一半的最著名的音乐家

The people always attach importance to Wagner and Mahler, whenthey expound the music and musician of this age.


The conductor simply gives the musicians some shape so that they can meld together with the music.


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But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?