英语人>网络例句>雄蕊 相关的搜索结果


与 雄蕊 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nectar glands 4, lateral, 1 on each side of lateral stamen, or 2, semiannular, intrastaminal; median glands absent.


Inflorescence terminal, 1–11-flowered; pedicels scaly, usually setose; calyx (1–)2–15 mm, usually 5-lobed, sometimes reduced to undulate rim, scaly, margin mostly ciliate or setose; corolla broadly campanulate or rotate to saucer-shaped, usually yellow, rarely greenish, white or reddish, sometimes spotted, outer surface scaly, sometimes sparsely pubescent; stamens 10; ovary 5(or 6)-celled; style short, thick, sharply bent, usually scaly at base.


Scape yellow-farinose, 2-8cm long; umbel usually 1-5-flowered; bracts lanceolate, yellow-farinose; pedicel 10mm long; calyx bell-shaped, 5-nerved, thinly yellow-farinose, lobes long-triangular at apex; corolla pink or white, salver-shaped, 1.5cm across, faintly fragrant, with conspicuous yellow centre, lobes obcordate, notched at apex; stamens slightly exserted.

花葶被黄粉,长2~8cm ;伞形花序通常有花1~5朵;苞片披针形,被黄粉;花梗长约10mm ;花萼钟状,具5条粗脉,被薄粉,裂片尖长三角形;花冠粉红色或白色,高脚碟状,直径1.5cm ,有微香具明显的黄心,裂片倒心形,顶端凹缺;雄蕊略露出于花冠筒外。

Shorter stamens abortive; anthers rhomboid-ovate, usually papery, abaxially long caudate-spurred, adaxially 2-setose at base.


Basal leaf blade 6-15 mm, broadly obovate, broadly ovate, or broadly rhomboid-ovate; staminodes 2-lobed, posterior lobes 2- or 3-lobed

基生叶6-15毫米,宽倒卵形,宽卵形,或者宽斜方形卵形;退化雄蕊2裂,在后的耳垂2或3裂 11 P。

Stamens inserted inside dilated portion of corolla tube; anthers ovate or oblong, free from pistil head, base rounded.


Stamens inserted at or below middle of corolla tube, included; filaments very short; anthers free from pistil head, base rounded; disc absent.


Stamens inserted near base of corolla tube; filaments short; anthers narrowly ovate, free from pistil head, lobes rounded at base; disc absent.


Stamens inserted in widening of corolla tube; filaments very short; anthers ovate, free from pistil head, base rounded; disc ringlike or cup-shaped, entire or lobed at apex.


Stamens inserted above middle of corolla tube; filaments very short; anthers narrowly oblong or ovate, included, free from pistil head, base rounded; disc scales alternate with ovaries.


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If we can prove the independence of an axiomatic system, then we can guarantee the conciseness of this system, ie.


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