英语人>网络例句>附属的 相关的搜索结果


与 附属的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An attachment, usually consisting of a shaft and two or more universal joints, which is used to transmit power from a tractor to an attached unit such as a combine or hay baler.


The present study applied fuzzy theory and Fuzzy MCDM to build a strategy which utilizes Fuzzy MCDM for accessory negotiation. This strategy calculated every accessory's fuzzy evaluation and negotiation insistency for selection and negotiation. At last, a shopping website with the function of accessory negotiation was built on the Internet in the expectation that it can make progress in both buyers' satisfaction and sellers' earnings.

因此本研究运用模糊理论与Fuzzy MCDM的机制与方法,建立Fuzzy MCDM为附属品的协商机制之策略,计算出各附属品的模糊评估值与协商坚持度,以为遴选之依据与协商之准则;最后在网路上实作建置一个具有协商附属品功能的购物网站,藉由系统的建立期能获取消费者满意度且成就商家的营业收入之双重利基。

Complete courtyard covers an area of more than mus 40, set a two outpatient department, inpatient department, open hospital bed 301 pieces, cure of traditional Chinese medical science of county of the bridge that it is copper, religion, grind center, also be pharmaceutical college of traditional Chinese medical science of Chongqing medical university accessary hospital, medical university of southwest hospital of the third Military Medical University, Chongqing is accessary unicameral instructor hospital, privilege of membership of Chongqing city union orders a hospital surely; It is medical treatment of collaboration of country of cupreous bridge county, society at the same time green of accident of insurance of insurance of insurance of primary medical treatment, inductrial injury medical treatment, commercial medical treatment, traffic is fast rescue orders a hospital surely.


Struma Cuvier consists of three parts: digenetic gland, the reproductive ducts and subsidiary glands of male, the reproductive ducts and subsidiary glands of female.


XMU has 744 full time teachers, 815 teachers specialized in medicine, among which there are 286 professors and associate professors, 73 tutors of doctoral graduate, 525 tutors of postgraduate candidate, 63 scholars and specialists who enjoy special government allowance, eighteen regional outstanding specialists, two young and middle-aged specialists who were awarded by the national Ministry of Health for their immensive contribution, four specialists have been selected for " Project of Numerous Talents", five specialists have been elected "Famous Regional Teacher".


The reproductive duct of the female consisted of the oviduct, receptaculum seminis, and vagina, and the main subsidiary glands were the viteline gland and albumen gland.


From the above seems to show the failure, the author estimated that the fault is mostly the work of the subsidiary CRT circuit damage occurred because the cathode-ray tube voltage of the focus is very prone to failure similar to the above phenomenon, the phenomenon that gave rise to such failure is due mainly to display work over time, then the CRT focus very near the jack attached to a lot of dust very easily, which encountered wet dust easily lead to the air tubes of focus very significantly decrease the performance of socket contacts, then a cathode-ray tube focus to the natural voltage decline will be affected down, so that we could monitor the performance will be prone to poor focus, image display is a relatively vague.


Koichi Tanaka, emeritus professor of Kyoto University, president of Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation, technical advisor of Kobe City General Hospital, graduated from Medical School, Faculty of Medicine Kyoto University in 1966, and then began his career in Kyoto University Hospital at the same year. From 1968 to 1975, he served in Shimane Pref. Hospital. In 1975, he returned to Kyoto University Hospital, and became the professor and directed the department of transplantation and immunology, Kyoto University Hospital in 1995. In 2001, he was elected to be hospital director of Kyoto University Hospital. In 2007, he received honorary degree in medicine and surgery by Padua University.

Koichi Tanaka,现任日本京都大学荣誉教授、生物医学研究与改革研究所主席、神户综合医院技术顾问。1966年毕业于京都大学医学院,同年进入京都大学附属医院工作。1968年到1975年,任职于日本岛根县医院。1975年,他回到京都大学附属医院,于1995年成为教授并管理该院的移植免疫部,2001年当选为该院主管,2007年被意大利帕多瓦大学授予医学与外科名誉学位。

Koichi Tanaka, emeritus professor of Kyoto University, president of Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation, technical advisor of Kobe City General Hospital, graduated from Medical School, Faculty of Medicine Kyoto University in 1966, and then began his career in Kyoto University Hospital at the same year. From 1968 to 1975, he served in Shimane Pref. Hospital. In 1975, he returned to Kyoto University Hospital, and became the professor and directed the Department of Transplantation and Immunology, Kyoto University Hospital in 1995. In 2001, he was elected hospital director of Kyoto University Hospital. In 2007, he received honorary degree in medicine and surgery by Padua University.

文章导读: Koichi Tanaka,现任日本京都大学荣誉教授、生物医学研究与创新研究所主席、神户综合医院技术顾问。1966年毕业于京都大学医学院,同年进入京都大学附属医院工作。1968年到1975年,任职于日本岛根县医院。1975年,他回到京都大学附属医院,于1995年成为教授并管理该院的移植免疫部,2001年当选为该院院长,2007年被意大利帕多瓦大学授予医学与外科名誉学位。

The Church favours the opinion that along with grace and charity the four cardinal virtues (and, according to many theologians, their subsidiary virtues also) are communicated to the souls of the just as supernatural habitus, whose office it is to give to the intellect and the will, in their moral relations with created things, a supernatural direction and inclination.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
