英语人>网络例句>重要 相关的搜索结果


与 重要 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Consequently, it is meaningful to systematically get optimal solving of LRP models. Contribution of the research is the innovation in big scale mathematical calculation of NP-hard problem and it is also the academic foundation of developed city logistics distribution systems on account of electronic commerce. The research has extraordinary significance to developed self-action logistics distribution software in large amount of electronic commerce dealings.


Density dependent is an important mechanism of the creature community self-adjustment,and an important principle in ecology.


Ease of use ranges in importance from less important, for a one-time experiment to be run only by the application's developer, who is intimately familiar with the software; to very important, for a production application to be used by a variety of semiskilled operators within a single organization; to extremely important, for a mission- or safety-critical application, or a commercial application intended for distribution and resale.

包括以下三种情况:该软件的开发者,他对该软件非常熟悉,在编程中会经常进行一次性试验,此时易用性就不太重要;一个团队中对该软件半熟悉的操作员来使用该软件,此时易用性很重要;在mission- or safety-critical的场合,或者是准备发布销售的商业软件,此时易用性则非常重要

Training and evaluation of teaching is an integral part of an important part of students to consolidate knowledge, the ability to upgrade an important measure to test the effectiveness of teachers and students in teaching and learning, timely to address gaps, and to adjust the content and progress of Shariah, the study of law an important basis.

摘 要:训练与考评是教学中不可或缺的重要环节,是学生知识得以巩固,能力得以提升的重要手段;是检验师生教与学成效,及时查漏补缺,调整内容进度及教法、学法的重要依据。

Soja is the most important oil plants on the world and high protein crop, be produced in food and important role was acted in dweller consumption, important place is had in international produce commerce.


Solfeggio is the foundation of professional music education, and the ear training is an important part of Solfeggio, and contemporary music is an important teaching content which can not be neglected in Solfeggio.


Markedness is an important concept in linguistics, occupying a position of no small importance in structural linguistics.


In chapter 1, we introduce the development of module theory and it s applications in the development of algebra,and present conditions of development of prime submodule s,prime radicals,isolated submodules.


This paper has studied the physiological and biochemical changes during the period of forming strong buds of tree peony, and expect to provide academic basis for extending its view value and economic benefit . The main results are as the following:1 Under the field condition, Characteristics of photosynthesis of tree peony are very regular. From before blooming to the prophase of abducting buds that after blooming ,that is April,May and June,the net photosynthetic rate of tree peony is higher than the other period .It indicates that this period is very important for accumulating photosynthetic products of tree peony . So, if we want to get quality flower of tree peony ,it is very important to strengthen the management of tree peony cultivation and to ensure provide the fertilizer and water.2 From the middle ten days of June, with the time elapsing and with the environment conditions worsening, the characteristics of photosynthesis of tree peony decline deeply. But it is different among different tree peony breeds. For example , cv. Wu Long Peng Sheng can also has higher net photosynthetic rate, it indicates that cv. Wu Long Peng Sheng is super than the other two tree peony breeds when adapting the environment conditions and cv. Wu Long Peng Sheng has wide prospect to extend .3 The main factors of effecting the characteristics of photosynthesis are stomatal factor and non-stomatal factor ,that is the ability of photosynthesis of leaf cells. Under the environment of high light intensity in midsummer, if overshadow tree peony properly, then it can slow the declining of chlorophyll content, and increase the net photosynthetic rate and benefit for the accumulating of photosynthetic products.4 The content of soluble sugar in the root of tree peony is the highest among different organs during the period of forming strong buds . According to analyse ,we believe that the soluble sugar will compose starch then, and provide the solid base of material for the growth and development next year. It provide us strong academic basis of adopting the method of cultivating root and protecting root under thefield environment conditions .In other words ,it will help to increase the health level of the whole plant of tree peony and will be beneficial to forming quality tree peony flower if we strengthen the management of root. 5 To tree peony, the endogenesis hormone is important for its growth and development .In the prophase ,that is about the blooming of tree peony and the mid-summer ,IAA and ZR contents are higher and GA content is lower and its changes are very little, and the content of ABA is decreasing . This indicates that IAA and ZR act the important promote function for growth and development of tree peony in this period, and the function of GA is not important. Bur in the period of anniversary senescence of tree peony , the content of IAA and ZR begin to decrease ,while the ABA content has a certain rebound .T

本研究对几个牡丹品种壮芽形成过程中的某些生理生化变化做了研究,以期了解牡丹生长发育过程中生理生化的变化规律,探讨大田栽培条件下提高牡丹花质量的栽培措施和管理技术,为提高牡丹的观赏价值和经济效益提供理论依据,结果如下:1 大田栽培条件下,牡丹光合特性在生长发育过程中表现出极强的规律性,牡丹各品种的光合速率从牡丹开花前,到牡丹花谢后的花芽诱导期前期(6月10日之前),也就是在4、5、6月份,各牡丹品种的净光合速率相对与其他时间都维持在比较高的水平,这说明,在这段时间,是牡丹光合产物积累的重要时期,因此,要保证得到高质量的牡丹花,在这段时间加强对牡丹的栽培管理,保证这个时期的肥水供应十分重要。2 从6月中旬后,随时间的推移,环境条件的恶化,牡丹的光合性能剧烈下降,但是不同牡丹品种间仍有差异,比如,乌龙捧盛仍可维持较高的光合水平,这说明了乌龙捧盛这个牡丹品种对于环境的适应性较之其他牡丹品种高,有着广泛的推广前景。3 影响牡丹光合性能的主要因子是气孔因素和非气孔因素即叶肉细胞的光合能力,在盛夏高温高光强的环境条件下,对牡丹进行适当遮荫,能缓解牡丹叶绿素水平的下降,适当提高Pn,有利于光合产物的积累。4 可溶性糖在牡丹各品种的壮芽形成过程中,根中可溶性糖的含量在牡丹各部位中始终维持最高水平,分析认为这些可溶性糖在根系中进一步合成淀粉等储藏性物质,为来年牡丹的生长提供雄厚的物质基础,这为我们在大田栽培条件下对牡丹采取养根护根的栽培措施提供了有力的理论依据,即在大田栽培条件下,加强对牡丹根系的管理,有助于提高牡丹整株的健壮程度,有益于形成高质量的牡丹花。5内源激素对牡丹的生长发育调节作用是十分明显的,在前期,即开花前后和盛夏,IAA和ZR含量维持在比较高的水平,GA含量低且变化不明显,ABA含量逐渐降低,说明了IAA和ZR对牡丹在这段时间内的生长发育起到重要的促进作用,GA的作用不是很明显,ABA可能在高温高光强下有明显的升高,也说明了ABA的确有一些促进作用,但是到了牡丹周年衰老期,IAA和ZR的含量开始下降,ABA含量却有了一定程度的反弹,说明了IAA和ZR的作用开始降低,ABA起到了促进衰老的作用

The whole PPT-reports of the Forum have put into "Complex Network Science Forum Circle" on Science Network in China (Please see: hettp//www.sciencene.cn/g/ComplexNets ) and also appear on the CCAST-WL Webside (Please see: www.ccast.ac.cn/workshop ). Main issues of the Forum are associated main subject of Network Science with application, including: review and outlook of network science ,spreading model of the H1N1 influenza virus , dynamics of neural network , brain functional networks,dynamics of topological structure, military network science with application, space structure of complex networks, community structure,,stationary e fficiency of coevolutionary networks , significance of community structure,,relationshipe between structure and dynamics of complex network, generalized synchronization and control, consensus of multi-agent systems, evolutionary game and friendship network, s preading of epidemic based on human and animal mobility pattern, complex network engineerings, and so on.

本届论坛文集共收编了32篇 ppt 报告,已经公布在中国科学网"复杂网络论坛圈"上(请看: hettp//www.sciencene.cn/g/ComplexNets 并且也发表在中国高等科学技术中心网站上( the CCAST-WL Webside )(请看: www.ccast.ac.cn/workshop ),这些报告内容丰富,各具特色,颇有创新,基本涵盖了近年来我国网络科学领域若干重要课题的研究进展和丰硕成果,课题研究颇有深度,不仅具有现实意义的重要课题(如甲型流感全球大爆发之经验统计及其传播模型),而且有前沿课题:生物神经网络系统的动力学与大脑网络,还有一系列重要课题:网络拓扑结构的动力学识别与估计、军事网络科学、网络科学在工程应用、多个体一致性、网络结构与动力学之间关系、同步-协同-中性稳定性和流型的稳定性、网络系统的协调动力学与控制、复杂网络的空间结构、连续系统和离散系统中的广义同步、疾病免疫算法、网络节点匹配、电力网、供应链网、化工网、通讯网与保密通信,等等。

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I can't say anything hurtful about anyone.


She was a short fat woman , garbed in a very tight , very gaudy red dress .


Leaf blade orbicular or oblong to ovate-lanceolate, less than 3 × as long as wide, abaxially not pruinose.

叶片圆形或长圆形的到卵状披针形,少于3 *倍于宽,背面不具粉霜。