英语人>网络例句>遵守纪律的 相关的搜索结果


与 遵守纪律的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The proportion of freedom to necessity is decreased or increased, according to the point of view from which the act is regarded; but there always remains an inverse ratio between them. A drowning man clutching at another and drowning him, or a hungry mother starved by suckling her baby and stealing food, or a man trained to discipline who at the word of command kills a defenceless man, all seem less guilty—that is, less free and more subject to the law of necessity to one who knows the circumstances in which they are placed, and more free to one who did not know that the man was himself drowning, that the mother was starving, that the soldier was on duty, and so on.


You must follow close to the line of the classroom discinpline,or i'll bundle you out.


Too many managers can't identify their own staff members' deliverables, leaving only the face-time metric as a way to evaluate whatever they value, be it performance or docility.


Not long after their departure, Aygulph, Abbot of Fleury, was called in to restore the discipline and he probably introduced the full Benedictine observance; for when St.

没多久他们离开后, Aygulph ,艾博特的弗勒里,被称为在恢复纪律和他大概介绍了充分笃遵守;的圣本笃时Biscop访问Lérins稍后在第七世纪的他收到了本笃习惯和剃度来自手中的住持

Above all, we demand that writers, artists and ideological and theoretical workers in the Communist Party observe Party discipline. Yet today many of our problems stem from inside the Party.


I am determined to use their own action to accept the party's on my tests, I solemnly party to apply: I volunteer to join the Chinese Communist Party support the party's program, to comply with the Party Constitution, fulfill duties of party members to implement the Party's decisions, strictly observe Party discipline, the Conservative Party's secrets, loyal to the Party, and actively work for the communist struggle for life, ready to sacrifice everything for Party and the people, and never betray the party.


And to let us see, that even absolute power, where it is necessary, is not arbitrary by being absolute, but is still limited by that reason, and confined to those ends, which required it in some cases to be absolute, we need look no farther than the common practice of martial discipline: for the preservation of the army, and in it of the whole common-wealth, requires an absolute obedience to the command of every superior officer, and it is justly death to disobey or dispute the most dangerous or unreasonable of them; but yet we see, that neither the serjeant, that could command a soldier to march up to the mouth of a cannon, or stand in a breach, where he is almost sure to perish, can command that soldier to give him one penny of his money; nor the general, that can condemn him to death for deserting his post, or for not obeying the most desperate orders, can yet, with all his absolute power of life and death, dispose of one farthing of that soldier's estate, or seize one jot of his goods; whom yet he can command any thing, and hang for the least disobedience; because such a blind obedience is necessary to that end, for which the commander has his power, viz.


What's important for us to understand about these unreconciled, denied impulses is how they affect our ability to stay focused and take a disciplined, consistent approach to our trading.


And also it is really worthwhile to mention that she is a person extremely obeys the class discipline.


Makelele is a brilliant example of self-discipline, of private sacrifice to the cause. Not only that, but he's the supreme example of how less can be more - of how the four-yard pass can be more effective than the forty-yard version, for example.

T2 ^$?; V0 E; t C4 d Z 马克莱莱是为全队自我牺牲和严格遵守战术纪律的典范,同时他也是一个说明&少可以胜于多&的最好例子-----比如&四码的传球怎样比四十码的传球更有效&

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In this paper, the requirement analysis, design and implementation of the system are introduced in detail.


In the context of economic globalization is increasingly deepening, China's economy can not be spared.


Results:(1)Increased expression of ICAM-1 appeared in cultured endothelial cells after anoxia and enhanced after reoxygenation.
