英语人>网络例句>通行的 相关的搜索结果


与 通行的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The rituals of Chinese business -- backdoor deals and late, boozy nights at karaoke bars -- made him feel like his life was 'polluted,' he says. He says that his lifestyle made him fat, and that he would go out and 'drink until I was red in the face.


Although many national laws include provisions for internet wiretapping, ETSI is currently in the process of establishing the procedures that will allow the CALEA extension to be echoed in Europe.

尽管很多国家的法律中都已经有关于监听因特网的条款, ETSI 最近仍在准备建立能让 CALEA 的扩展部分在欧洲通行的法律程序。

CDV is an abbreviation of Car Derived Van with the characteristic of comfort because of the car platform, safety equals to PV because of the front-engine front-drive of engine, the changeable seats design which made the inner spaced efficiently utilized and the lower floor that easy for goods loading.

CDV是Car Derived Van的英文缩写,国际通行的解释是"从轿车平台延伸出来的厢式车"。其特点是,采用轿车平台,确保驾乘舒适;发动机前置前驱,安全系数与乘用车同等水平;座椅设计变化多样,兼顾车内空间有效利用;较低的底板设计便于货物装卸。

As we will show in the next section, the only practical and general way to do so is to use the technique of linear programming.


A mountie may work in the Headquarters building in Ottawa, sitting at a desk like any other clerk. He may pilot a patrol plane across the snow-deserts in the north, where it is impossible for any other sort of vehicle to go.


Worse yet, he has deigned to propose conditions for his possible candidacy. The poll, he says, must meet internationally accepted standards.


A growing number of international economists and statisticians believe, however, that there are irrationalities in this currently widely-used international statistical principle, especially because big errors might occur when it is applied to calculating entrepot trade and processing trade.


Though it is a Vulgate social convenance internationally,there're still some difference opinions between countries about what to send,in which occasion to send it,or how to send it.


The line of people waiting for service at a bank or for tickers at a movie theater and the line of autos at a traffic light are examples of queues.


Diminishing or exempting public law responsibility to persuade cartel members to surrender or charge against other person's illegal acts,the leniency program in anti-monopoly law has proved itself as an effective mechanism available internationally to investigate and crack down on cartels.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
