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与 诗人 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To complete the Eliot quote on plagiarism:"Bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different."


The second part states the poet's attitudes toward the hardship from Mudan's degenerateness and aloofness.


The passing away of time, and the inevitable sweep of death in a melancholy tone, he had never failed in his compassion with human beings, and with a persistent endurance he was able to accept life, aging and death as they come.It was at quite an old age which is normally considered to be a time period of physical and intellectual diminishment that Hardy began to devote his writing career to poetry completely.


Flower rooms of one pot wine, drink , have , blindly date ," drown one's sorrows in liquor , worry " the emperor breathe out , go on board " does not poet own original idea even more while being so-called alone," I will on the regular payroll to state " but I pass away originally , common people give up as hopeless I cheer , invite bright moon " a sad one "" only "", the moon does not understand I drink , the poet only fills a wine cup for sb.


Of all Thomas Hardy's poems,his elegiac poems are the most unique,true-life,and aesthetic experience.

在哈代(Thomas Hardy1840~1928)诗歌中,最能体现诗人的独特而真切的生命体验与审美体验和情感最真挚、风格最朴素、最能体现诗人独特的个性——"这一个"的色彩还是他那些吟唱人间情爱的诗歌,而其中又以写于妻子爱玛去世之后的两年间(1912~1913)的21首悼亡诗——《1912~191

Perhaps future literature historians may call some lyrics writer today a poet not those who get undressed for some kind of show.


It is a little like the Grand Guignol – the starving poet come to give the butcher's daughter lessons. Every time the phone rings the poet's mouth waters.


Peeping and prying into greenroom gossip of the day, the poet's drinking, the poet's debts.


Collectible Chicago poets, one finds, start with Eugene Field, Carl Sandburg, Edgar Lee Masters, Harriet Monroe, Gwendolyn Brooks, Ana Castillo, David Hernandez, Li-Young Lee, William Wei-Yi Marr, and a raft of more recent poets that includes homeless ones published by StreetWise,"the newspaper sold by and for the homeless of Chicago."


The beautiful and soothing calm of eventide has been extolled by a thousand poets, and yet it does not bring with it the far-reaching and sublime thoughts of the halfhour that precedes the rising of a summer's sun.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
