英语人>网络例句>裂片 相关的搜索结果


与 裂片 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Stamens 5, inserted on corolla tube and opposite lobes; staminodes 5, subulate to triangular, inserted in throat and alternating with corolla lobes.


Calyx segments 5-8 mm; corolla adaxial lobes 3.5-4 mm unknown in O.


Corolla 1-lipped; tube included or exserted, not hairy annulate inside; limb 5-lobed, with middle lobe circular or spatulate, occasionally 2-lobulate; lateral lobes 4, small.


Stamens shorter than or equaling perianth segments and arranged opposite them; filaments subulate or linear, united at base and usually forming a hypogynous disk, sometimes with interstaminal lobes; anthers dorsifixed, incumbent in bud, 2-locular, extrorse, or dehiscent by lateral, longitudinal slits, obtuse or appendaged at apex.


Calyx 5-parted, 2-dentate between lobes, strongly enlarged in fruit, bilaterally compressed, becoming somewhat clamshell-shaped, with distinct reticulate venation, irregularly emarginate-serrate; lobes unequal. Corolla violet or white, tubular; throat appendaged; limb 5-parted.


Scape erect, usually higher than leaves, with several to more than 20 flowers; bracts lanceolate ,shorter than ovary.usually 6-9mm long,1lowermost to 2.3cm long, purple-brown; flower variable in colour, sweetly scented; sepals narrow-lanceolate,3cm long,5-7mm wide,5-veined;petals usually shorter and broader than sepals, slightly convolute over column,7-veined,lip inconspicuously 3-lobed,light yellow blotched purple, side lobes erect ,midlobe recurved, disk with 2 yellow lamellae above.

花葶直立,通常高出叶外,具花数朵至20余朵;花苞片披针形,比子房连花梗短,通常长6~9mm ,在最下面1枚达2.3cm ,紫褐色;花色多变,有香气;萼片狭披针形,长3cm ,宽5~7mm ,有5条脉纹;花瓣通常较萼片短而宽,向前稍合抱,覆盖于蕊柱之上,有脉纹7条,唇瓣不明显3裂,浅黄色带紫斑,侧裂片直立,中裂片翻卷,唇盘上面具2条黄色褶片。

Scape erect or slightly slanting, 30cm high, 1-2flowered, flowers large, white ,8-10cm across, fragrant; sepals oblong-lanceolate, 6cm long, 2cm wide, faintly tinted green at base; petals slightly smaller than sepals, lip 3-lobed, side lobes erect, spotted purple-red, mid –lobe pendent, blotched yellow and irregularly spotted purple-red in middle ,wavy at margin, lamellae yellow ,short-hairy .

花葶直立或微倾斜,高30cm ,有1~2花,花大,白色,直径8~10cm ,具芳香味;萼片长圆状披针形,长6cm ,宽2cm ,基部微带绿晕;花瓣稍小于萼片,唇瓣3裂,侧裂片直立,有紫色小斑点,中裂片下垂,中间有黄色斑块和不规则紫红色小斑点,边缘波浪状,褶片黄色,被短毛。花期2~5月。

Calyx 5-parted; lobes lanceolate-linear, less often broadly lanceolate, slightly enlarged, connivent in fruit, 2 adaxial lobes usually smaller.


Male flowers: perianth lobes 4 or 5, elliptic, connate 1/2 of length, slightly valvate, apex usually corniculate; stamens as many as and opposite to perianth lobes; filaments inflexed in bud; rudimentary pistil small.

雄花: 花被裂片4或5,椭圆,合生的长度达1/2,稍镊合状,先端通常具小角状突起;雄蕊同数的和对生于花被裂片;花丝在芽中内折;不发育雌蕊小。

Female flowers subsessile, ca. 0.5 mm; perianth lobes connate at base, subequal, abaxial lobe larger, subapically corniculate; staminodes 3, conspicuous, scale-like, rhombic-oblong.


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I think he's learned how to approach hitters....

Johhny Damon说,『他已是最好的了,再没有人能够比他做的更好,我想他的球技已经完全成熟了,而且他也已经学会了如何去对付和压迫各种打击者。。。。。。

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