英语人>网络例句>虚无 相关的搜索结果


与 虚无 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We shoud have a sober understanding, we can not indulge in immediate nihilism, and also can not abandon oneself to it, but acti


And you will ask yourself if there is anything besides the nothingness of the world and your own nothingness.


We cannot study nothingness starting from language, logic or thinking, for it will lead to the objectivation of nothingness and therefore to the abolition of the problem itself.


S 揘ew Year? s Sacrifice?, this novel embodies 搇ife is all painful? because Sister Xianglin suffers a lot in her life; Juan Sheng in 揗ourn the Dead? leads a life devoid of meaning both before and after the death of Zi Jun, and he can? t escape from his emptiness; Lun Xun conveys his strong emotions and cries out against injustice in his novel 揗edicine? by way of making the ghost? s presence felt;揕oners? reflects inner loneness and pain, and manifests the creed of Buddhaism: Life is death, death is life;揥eeds? and 揅all to the Arms? sighs with feeling for life? s emptiness however, it also stronglyresists life? s emptiness. XuDishandwellson life? s emptiness in his book 揘atural Moutain and Rain?


In the beginning there was nothing...then Manu Roundhouse kicked that nothing in the face and said "Get a job".

开始的时候一切都是虚无,然后 Manu 一脚踢中了虚无的脸跟它说"去找份工作!"

Think, for example, of certain forms of diet, of fasting, of sexual continence, of flight "into the wilderness"(the Weir Mitchell isolation cure—without, to be sure, the subsequent fattening and overfeeding which constitute the most effective remedy for the hysteria induced by the ascetic ideal): add to these the entire antisensualistic metaphysics of the priests that makes men indolent and overrefined, their autohypnosis in the manner of fakirs and Brahmins—Brahma used in the shape of a glass knob and a fixed idea—and finally the only-too-comprehensible satiety with all this, together with the radical cure for it, nothingness (or God—the desire for a unio mystica with God is the desire of the Buddhist for nothingness, Nirvana—and no more!).


That makes nothingness insist on becoming somethingness.

UWTB 让宇宙从虚无中诞生——让虚无坚持要变成点什么东西。

On the basis of absurdity and nihility, Hemingway is deeply concerned about mans spirit of struggle. He preoccupies their struggle for existential values in moral wasteland.


S 揘ew Year? s Sacrifice?, this novel embodies 搇ife is all painful? because Sister Xianglin suffers a lot in her life; Juan Sheng in 揗ourn the Dead? leads a life devoid of meaning both before and after the death of Zi Jun, and he can? t escape from his emptiness; Lun Xun conveys his strong emotions and cries out against injustice in his novel 揗edicine? by way of making the ghost? s presence felt;揕oners? reflects inner loneness and pain, and manifests the creed of Buddhaism: Life is death, death is life;揥eeds? and 揅all to the Arms? sighs with feeling for life? s emptiness however, it also stronglyresists life? s emptiness. XuDishandwellson life? s emptiness in his book 揘atural Moutain and Rain?


In the work, Hemingway, based on the story between the old man and the two waiters, pointed out that Nada commonly exists in human's life, it is actually the experience of one's own existence, and the only way to resist Nada is to keep a clean and well-lighted place in the mind.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
