英语人>网络例句>草率的 相关的搜索结果


与 草率的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We live in a world of very loose morality where flippant comments are the order of the day. Let this incident teach us that there is a day of reckoning coming.


Many of his treatises are written to defend his position and his rigorist doctrines, and he does so with considerable violence and with the clever and hasty argumentation which is natural to him.


She's not; but the former bureau chief of CNN in Beijing is clearly exasperated with some sloppy stenography and misunderstandings that resulted in a story claiming MacKinnon does not see Hong Kong as a part of China, among other mistakes.


Even in the realm of religion the spectacle has manifested its reign, as the momentary spiritual coming-to-being of the faithful is literally programmed through spectacular festivals organized by "mega-churches," while the idea of a decent Christian life is equated not with individual scrutiny of holy scriptures to bring one's conscience closer to the Divinity but with unreflective personal commitment to the mass, mediatized events that now constitute the context of religious devotion.

即使在宗教领域的景象已显示出其统治,因为一时的精神未来的福祉的忠实方案实际上是通过壮观的节日举办的"巨型教会",而主张一个体面基督徒的生活是不等同与个别审查圣经,使一个人的良心更接近神,但草率的个人承诺的质量, mediatized事件,现在构成了宗教献身精神。

A sloppy control is inequitable, as large companies can find their way through the labyrinth of regulation fairly easily


The food firms, they say, have rushed to introduce their own, fuzzier guidelines first in a cynical attempt to undermine the government's plan—which they fear might hurt their sales.


Looked at broadly, the e-mails seem to show a pretty workaday picture of scientists, with frustrations and sloppinesses, disagreements, opponents badmouthed, and cultural differences bridged (for example, explaining to an American colleague not just why a particular person is a prat, but what a prat is in the first place).


Even in the realm of religion the spectacle has manifested its reign, as the momentary spiritual coming-to-being of the faithful is literally programmed through spectacular festivals organized by "mega-churches," while the idea of a decent Christian life is equated not with individual scrutiny of holy scriptures to bring one's conscience closer to the Divinity but with unreflective personal commitment to the mass, mediatized events that now constitute the context of religious devotion.

即使在宗教领域的景象已显示出其统治,因为一时的精神未来的福祉的忠实方案实际上是通过壮观的节日举办的&巨型教会&,而主张一个体面基督徒的生活是不等同与个别审查圣经,使一个人的良心更接近神,但草率的个人承诺的质量, mediatized事件,现在构成了宗教献身精神。

On the other hand, the technology itself is not the guaranty of making a photograph a masterpiece, nor does it add "artistic value" to a photograph. In the " Sloppiness in the Platinum Process and its Effect " in American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac of 1902, Stieglitz wrote: Let us call a halt to our slipshod and sloppy technical manipulations and methods and revert to some measure of the old-time care and thoroughness.


As public outrage over the suspected role of Pakistani militants in the Mumbai siege spilled over into street demonstrations in New Delhi, Rice warned Indian officials against a hasty reaction.


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Results showed that 0.01g/mL extract of Oxalis corniculata L. had obvious antimicrobial effect on S. aureus, but all extract of Oxalis corniculata L has not any antimicrobial effect on E.


This will be totally different from Zaro's texture mod, it will be desaturated, dirty etc.


This will be a major step forward for our country's aerospace technology.
