英语人>网络例句>苞 相关的搜索结果

与 苞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This plant has a large, often white, three-petaled flower above three broad bracts that look like leaves.

这家工厂有一个大,往往白色,三petaled 花上述三大片,看上去就像树叶。

The cultural characteristics between hypovirulent strain and high virulent strain was highly distinct.The pathogen of banana anthracnose latents on fruit, foliage, bract, blossom and stalk, stalk of plants with this disease is the most important carrier. The infection type of bannana fruit anthracnose is latent infection.

在香蕉果皮、叶、片、花器及假茎上均有香蕉炭疽病菌潜伏,假茎的病残体带菌率最高,为主要的侵染来源;采后香蕉果实上炭疽病侵染型为潜伏侵染型;开花后20d 的香蕉果实开始带菌,随时间延长,带菌量逐渐增加,以后各个生长阶段的带菌率与降雨量有关;炭疽病菌在果指不同部位的分布存在差异。

Inflorescences axillary or terminal, racemes, panicles, or cymes, sometimes 1-flowered or several-flowered in a fascicle; bracteoles small, early deciduous.


Scape yellow-farinose, 2-8cm long; umbel usually 1-5-flowered; bracts lanceolate, yellow-farinose; pedicel 10mm long; calyx bell-shaped, 5-nerved, thinly yellow-farinose, lobes long-triangular at apex; corolla pink or white, salver-shaped, 1.5cm across, faintly fragrant, with conspicuous yellow centre, lobes obcordate, notched at apex; stamens slightly exserted.

花葶被黄粉,长2~8cm ;伞形花序通常有花1~5朵;片披针形,被黄粉;花梗长约10mm ;花萼钟状,具5条粗脉,被薄粉,裂片尖长三角形;花冠粉红色或白色,高脚碟状,直径1.5cm ,有微香具明显的黄心,裂片倒心形,顶端凹缺;雄蕊略露出于花冠筒外。

The shack was made of the tough budshields of the royal palm which are called guano and in it there was a bed, a table, one chair, and a place on the dirt floor to cook with charcoal.


The shack was made of the tough bud shields of the royal palm which are called guano and in it there was a bed, a table, one chair, and a place on the dirt floor to cook with charcoal.


The shack was made of the tough bud shields of the royal palm which are called guano and in it there was a bed, a table, one chair, and a place on the dirt floor to cook with charcoal.


Banana bract mosaic disease was first discovered in Davao of the Philippines in 1979. It is a newly rising banana disease but it has caused a great impact to the banana industry in several southeastern Asian countries including the Philippines, India, Sri Lanka, Western Samoa and Vietnam.


An Indian plant having yellow flowers, purple bracts, and starchy tuberous rhizomes.


An Indian planthaving yellow flowers, purple bracts,and starchy tuberous rhizomes.


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With the development of highway construction, the speed of cars has been gradually increased.


So we basically had to develop a bond with the animal in terms of socializing with it.


"Comrade, I will be late for school. Please take me to my school, will you?"
