英语人>网络例句>胸膛 相关的搜索结果


与 胸膛 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Spin-Out's arms were clasped around his brother's waist, and one leg was hooked over both of Sideswipe's, locking them together.

不过根据描述,如果 Sides 的头能枕在 Sunny 的胸膛上, Sunny 还够的着 Sides 的腰,同时一条腿能把 Sides 两条腿给圈住,那唯一的解释不就是-- Sides 比他哥小一号了么?!

All may casual, you said I all am willing to go, the small trainswings the melody, all may be really, you said I all can believe,because I completely trust you, exquisite liking, the wool blanketsincere feeling, has exposed to the sun the solar familiar securitysense, shares the hot soup, a our two soupspoon bowl, left atrium warmgood full, I want to say actually you very good, you actually did notknow, sincerity to me good, does not request the repayment, likes aperson hoping he better, is warm since the heart in, You are moreimportant than oneself,In recollection satisfied melody, your palm of the hand thick truefeelings, any difficulty all thinks hopefully, my humph song, younatural are receiving a section, I knew warmly warms on in the chest,always all very the low key, the self-confidence is not high, you aremore important than oneself, I also hoped changes


You can stoke his silicon chest and pinch his squeezable bum - it may be the closest you ever get to doing it.


Something that made her think of disease, of corruption, of death. She stood very still. Something moved through the bushes close by. She saw its form, silhouetted against the starless sky: a vast misshapen head, armoured shoulders, the chest of an ox.


Something that made her think of disease,of c orruption,of death.She stood very still.Something moved through the bushes close by.She saw its form,silhouetted against the starless sky: a vast missh apen head,armoured shoulders,the chest of an ox.


His sword has already sunken into my chest.


Or S. were not members of our lodge, he is incapable, so far as my observation goes, of feeling a reverence for our holy order, and is too much occupied, and too well satisfied with the outer man, to care much for the improvement of the spiritual man. I had no grounds for doubting of him, but he seemed to me insincere; and all the time I stood face to face with him in the dark temple I kept fancying he was smiling contemptuously at my words, and I should have liked really to stab his bare chest with the sword I held pointed at it.

和 S 。,除开这些根据而外,单凭我的观察,就知道他不善于尊重我们神圣的共济会,他过分注重外表,对外表感到满意,以致缺乏精神改善的意图,我没有理由对他表示怀疑,但是我仿佛觉得他不够诚实,当我和他单独地站在黑暗的神殿中时,我始终觉得,他对我所说的话报以轻蔑的微笑,我真想用我握在手中对准他的长剑刺伤他那袒露的胸膛

But we, when we put the thorns in our breasts, we know.


Just rub Tiger Balm on the chest and cover with a warm towel.


Mr. Harrison was once a legendary eater and drinker, the sort of iron-livered, barrel-chested trencherman who could hold his own at the table with Orson Welles and John Huston and who thought nothing of a 10- or 12-course lunch at Ma Maison followed by Champagne and a gross of oysters for supper.

哈里森先生曾经是一个非常海量的食客和酒徒,他是那种有着铁一样肝脏,桶一样胸膛的食者他能够与奥森。卫理斯和约翰。哈斯顿在桌上对阵,他是那种在矿饮过香槟,吃过大堆的牡蛎之后,仍然不把10-或12-COURSE 这样的午餐放在眼里的人。

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Certain types of sockets are ''connectionless'', most commonly


Take it in to his nibs yourself .


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