英语人>网络例句>胸膛 相关的搜索结果


与 胸膛 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An artilleryman on sentinel duty in front of the cannons was just confronting the officer, but at a sign being made to him, he renewed his regular, monotonous pacing.


"Captain Tushin's, your excellency," the red-haired, freckled artilleryman sang out in a cheerful voice, as he ducked forward.


The breath heaved his chest at long and irregular intervals.


She was feeding a baby at the breast.


But he came to put the chest and themselves bancó a very badly moment of Racing, that could twist trusting in the gdps that he himself bancó and that they finished him giving result.


He showed me tattoo marks, baring his breast in the teeth of the wind and in spite of my remonstrances.


The person of Asian descent arrives straightens up the new chest person of Asian descent to walk on the road, the world knows me not to be dissimilar.


You are the poem, let me have the inspiration which expressed You are the song, sing my long Tibet's in heart note You are the picture, let me have the dream which spread wipes You are the clock, knock my tight lock heart door You are the wind raise ,ripples you are the rain moisten my withered heart door leaf you are the fire let me have the burning desire you are the flower split decide the opening you are the mountain solid arm let me in mine heart snuggle up to you are the prairie vast chest hug me, you are big shake the Tao sound are your palpitation rush ,you are the dubhe tow I to lead the way the direction ,you are the rainbow let see the seven colors of the spectrum ray, you were the sun I bathe in the light are demented, you are the moon warmly caress my delightful dreamland I to rush to you: Herds in your vast chest snuggles up to listen to your pulse in your solid arm to shake, you are my illusion reposes, you are my mind relay station you are my soul companion ,you are in my heart spouse.


Therefore, lay bare your bosom.- Ay, his breast.


He made about a dozen long gasps, his breast lifting the Bible up when he drawed in his breath, and letting it down again when he breathed it out -- and after that he laid still; he was dead.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
