英语人>网络例句>肥料 相关的搜索结果


与 肥料 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yunnan Tobacco Research Institute, Yuxi 653100Abstract : In order to investigate the effect of medium and trace elements, organic fertilizer on appearance and internal qualities of sun-cured tobacco, search after some efficient ways to improve the qualities, by adding organic fertilizer in basal dressing and spraying trace elements on leaf surface, the results showed that both organic and medium or trace fertilizer having the effect of increasing output value and yield. Among the experimental treatments, magnesium fertilizer and manure plus rape cake showed the most.


Remark:(1)The cost ofseeding、soil preparation、clearance ofweeds、fertilization、implantation、repair planting、tending and fertilizers etc is included in afforestation cost, the plantations are tended l time in the afforest first year and thesame thing had been done in the next year;(2)The land rent which is 225 yuanhm-2a-1 and the cost of pest control and fire proof which is 75yuanhm-2a-1 are included in the fixed cost;(3)The plantation is managed aS the sprout forest after catastrophe, the plantations are tended 1 time in the year of disaster and the same thing had been done in the next year.


For agriculture is new 1996 bumper harvest, they prepare the applicable farm tool in spring ploughing production in time, enough fertilizer, admirable seed and high grade pesticide, this is essential corporeal condition.


On the basia of hardworking to overcome the techinical difficulties ,we have presented our key products ----air float-type lawnmower 、 air blower 、 fertilizer spreading machine 、 sprinker components etc .filling in the blank of china for the air float-type lawnmower technology.


Mathematic models between yield and N fertilizer and plant density for two peanut variety types were set up by using quadratic saturation D-optimization design under single-seed planting.


HOME GARDEN: You can grow your own food and cooking herbs, gather and reuse rainwater in rain barrels, save seeds, reuse containers as planters, compost, can and preserve, plant ground cover instead of lawn that needs to be mowed, and plant trees for shade and to guard your home from wind. Consider manual or electric tools over gas-powered ones.


The results showed that the mixed fertilizer increase chlorophyll concentration sand nutrition, enhance the disease resistance and prolong the green period of Poa pratensis.


The differences among B2,PS,F2,F2F in same soil column were same to that of in sand column.


For same felted and coated fertilizer, the shape of nutrient dissolved curves were similar in different sand column but dissolved ratios were not.


The shape of dissolved curves of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of B2, PS, F2, F2F in same soil were similar to that of in same sand column, but differences were only dissolved time and ratios.


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In her eyes, because that is the doorway toher heart * the place where love resides.


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Of aesthetics and the definiteness of its content and leads to its immaturity and decline .
