英语人>网络例句>缩写者 相关的搜索结果


与 缩写者 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So, in the spirit of Ambrose Bierce -- whose 'Devil's Dictionary,' originally published in 1906 as 'The Cynic's Word Book,' provided a guide to the political and cultural language of the day -- here is a Wall Street Journal Baedeker to acronyms, neologisms and bastardizations that shape the popular understanding of the pickle in which we remain one full year after the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

安布罗斯。比尔斯在1906年出版的魔鬼辞典《愤世嫉俗者词汇手册》(The Cynic's Word Book)中对当时的政治和文化用语给出了独出心裁的解释。按照这种精神,《华尔街日报》也在雷曼兄弟倒闭一周年之际编写了一个缩写词、新词和滥用词入门手册,这些词可以让人通俗、形像地了解雷曼倒闭给世人留下的烂摊子。

The standard parts of a business letters are the dateline , letter address , salutation , body , complimentary close , signature block , and reference initials.


Coined in the early 1970s gay bars frequented by American soldiers stationed in Taiwan, the English term "T"(a short for "tomboy") refers to "man-like lesbians" and the Chinese word "Po"(literally meaning "woman") to "T's wife."

摘要1970年代初,在二战后成长的第一批台湾女同志们在驻台美军常光顾的男同志酒吧中,首次取得了依据性别角色区分而赋予的性别认同指称:「像男人」的女同志叫「 T 」(英文「 tomboy 」的缩写);「像女人」者叫「婆」。

This might be the sigil for a manuscript, or a particular edition, or the transcriber or editor's own initials, indicating it as their conjecture.


The underlying sense of the continuous commemoration of the Shoa can be found in the Jewish tradition of the "appointed Mourner", who is personally unaffected by the death of a person, but who has been appointed by the community to mourn.


Changes to data were not always initialed and dated.


A ridiculously overarmed SWAT team has burst in to arrest him for this breach of federal law; SWAT teams are often used to make drug busts②because of the possibility of violent resistance by organized growers or dealers.

一个荒唐的全副武装的特警小分队(SWAT是Special Weapons and Tactics的缩写,指特警)冲进来逮捕了他,因为他违反了联邦法律。特警队常被部署于突袭毒犯的行动中,因为有组织的毒品种植者或交易者有可能进行暴力抵抗。

I also miss his strip tease hahahaha, coz it's also missing in tonight's concert.

我也想念他的长条揶揄者 hahahaha, cousin 的缩写它也正在今晚的音乐会中失去。


Graf, without question, is the greatest women's player in history.


If not, you will have to look around at all your important data.


Development. The production of high-grade glass and sanitary ware equipment professional enterprise.
