英语人>网络例句>男子气概的 相关的搜索结果


与 男子气概的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Though women prefer traditionally macho men at the time in their menstrual cycles when they are most fertile , at other times they are more attracted to those with feminine traits such as tenderne ss , considerateness and kindne ss , as well as those with feminised faces .


A combination of popular culture and an education system that inhibits masculine development is to blame, it adds.


George Roy Hill, the director of such Oscar-winning hits as The Sting (1973) and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969), also helmed the comedy-drama Slap Shot (1977) with Paul Newman - noted as one of the raunchiest, most foul-mouthed, macho sports films ever made.

George Roy Hill是获奥斯卡奖的《骗中骗》和《虎豹小霸王》的导演,他也带头与Paul Newman合作了《火爆群龙》这部喜剧片,该片是部展示男子气概的运动电影,为以最为粗俗和最为污言秽语而引人注目的影片之一。

Jared: Because of our characters in Supernatural,-Dean is the macho, Sam is more of a softy-, people often expect me to be the gentle one of the two of us.

因为Supernatural的原因, Dean是一个充满男子气概的角色, Sam更柔弱些--于是大家觉得我似乎应该是比较虚弱的那个人。

It seems that the sport full with male spirit, but in fact the major is aerobatic exercise. People can unbosom themselves, reduce pressure and keep fit through swing fist, kick and shot.


Womanly,womanish My aunt was a lady of strong mind and great resolution, she was a very manly woman.


Herbivore man is particularly distasteful to the macho fathers and grandfathers whose values were forged in Korea's agricultural and highly militarise d past.


Herbivore man is particularly distasteful to the macho fathers and grandfathers whose values were forged in Korea's agricultural and highly militarised past.


It's the sport of manly men, who wake at dawn to wander through the frosty woods or sit for hours in a bitterly cold duck blind and then go back to a cabin and drink heavily.


Hercules, demigod and paragon of masculinity in the ancient world, was indirectly done for by his own sexual prowess—his jealous wife, Deianira, accidentally poisoned him with a potion she thought would render him eternally faithful.


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I think he's learned how to approach hitters....

Johhny Damon说,『他已是最好的了,再没有人能够比他做的更好,我想他的球技已经完全成熟了,而且他也已经学会了如何去对付和压迫各种打击者。。。。。。

In effect, an 18 foot King Cobra could actually look down onto the average human being.


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