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与 犹太主义 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was a staunch monarchist and anti-Semite, whose sadism heightened the brutality of an already vicious conflict.

他是一个疯狂的反犹太者,喜欢东方的神秘主义,憎恨共产党。1920年,Baron Ungern-Sternberg在白俄罗斯,西伯利亚,日本以及本土居民所组成的下层军队的帮助下,接管了蒙古国。

Ashery's practice engages with Jewishness as a cultural material, Zionist narratives, and issues relating to the Occupation of Palestine.


Just because many communists were Jews does not mean that there was anything remotely rational in Hitler's constant conflation of "Jewish-Bolshevism".


Since the party had cravenly supported the French repression of Algeria, and since Derrida was an Algerian Jewish colonial, his oblique relations to official Marxism were understandable.


The prohibition of the use of fleshmeat and milk at one meal: the hebdomadary symposium of incoordinately abstract, perfervidly concrete mercantile coexreligionist excompatriots: the circumcision of male infants: the supernatural character of Judaic scripture: the ineffability of the tetragrammaton: the sanctity of the sabbath.


The Jewish philosophy is different both from rationalist philosophy of West and the intuitionism of ancient China.


During this trip, Hirschfeld attained a deeper understanding of his own Jewishness and developed a more comprehensive view of the 'panhumanism and cosmopolitanism' he had always strived for.


Gnosticism-that is, the cabalistic "okmah", translated into "Madda'"(Aramaic,"Manda'"= knowledge of things divine)-seems to have been the first attempt on the part of the Jewish sages to give the empirical mystic lore, with the help of Platonic and Pythagorean or Stoic ideas, a speculative turn; hence the danger of heresy from which Akiba and Ben Zoma strove to extricate themselves, and of which the systems of Philo, an adept in Cabala (see "De Cherubim," 14;"De Sacrificiis Abelis et Caini," 15;"De Eo Quod Deterius Potiori Insidiatur," 48;"Quis Rerum Divinarum Heres Sit," 22), and of Paul see Matter,"History of Gnosticism," ii.

诺斯替主义,也就是说, cabalistic " okmah ",翻译成" Madda "(阿拉姆,"曼达"=知识的神圣的东西)似乎是第一次尝试对部分犹太圣人给实证神秘传说的帮助下,柏拉图和毕达哥拉斯或斯多葛思想,投机反过来,因此危险的异端邪说从秋叶忠利和本祖马力求脱困,以及该系统的哲学,一个善於Cabala (见"德革鲁宾," 14 ";德Sacrificiis Abelis等彩妮," 15 ;"德御宁狱吏Deterius Potiori Insidiatur ," 48 "; Quis事物Divinarum继承人坐下," 22 )和保罗(见物,"历史的诺斯替主义"二。

The errors of Judaic Gnosticism, condemned in the Epistle, were quite embryonic when compared with the full-blown Greek Gnosticism of the second century see Lightfoot, Coloss., etc.

错误的犹太诺斯替主义,谴责的书信,是相当胚胎比较,全套希腊诺斯替主义的第二个世纪(见娜莱, Coloss 。

The errors of Judaic Gnosticism, condemned in the Epistle, were quite embryonic when compared with the full-blown Greek Gnosticism of the second century see Lightfoot, Coloss., etc.

错误的犹太诺斯底主义,谴责,在书信,有相当胚胎时相比,与全面吹希腊诺斯底主义的第二个世纪(见lightfoot , coloss 。

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
