英语人>网络例句>满意于 相关的搜索结果


与 满意于 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Be absent from be accustomed to be applicable to be ashamed of be aware of be beneficial to be blind to be bound for/to be capable of be characteristic of be common to be compatible with be confident of be conscious of be consistent with be content with be contrary to be convenient to / for be crazy about/on be crazy for be critical of be dependent on / upon be distinct form be diverse from be doubtful about/of be due to be eager for/about/after be economical of be equivalent to be essential to/for be familiar to be familiar with be fit for / be fond of be foreign to be good at be generous with / in be grateful to sb.

for be guilty of be helpful to be identical to/with 经不起诱惑缺席,不在习惯于适应于,应用于对-----感到羞愧意识到,知道对----有利对-----视而不见准备到-----去的,一定有-----能力的,可----的特有的,表示----特性的共同的,共有的适合的,一致的确信,相信意识到与----一致,与----相符对----感到满意与----相反对-----方便对-----着迷,热衷于渴望对----表示谴责,对-----感到不满依赖,依靠与-----不同,有区别和----不一样怀疑由于,应归于,将做---渴求-----节俭,节约等于,相当于必不可少的,基本的为------所熟悉熟悉胜任----,适合-----喜欢陌生的,与------无关的擅长于慷慨,大方对-----表示感谢对------感到内疚,犯----的罪对----有帮助与-----相同知识改变命运,思路决定人生!

The result showed that: firstly, they had the hame view on the purpose of the scholarship with the authorities and people's expectation and most university students were satisfied with the system of the scholarship, but the students who were not satisfied still were of large proportion; secondly ,the students inclined to believe that the encouragement of substance can arouse people's enthusiasm better than the encouragement of spirit, and most students wished to have money as a form of incentive; thirdly, in the choice of career students showed some differences due to the difference of gender, professional and urban or rural where they are from, however, on the views of social status, the vast majority of students did't want to be willing to engage in a poor but noble career.


BP neural networks have been widely used in mode recognizing, image processing, system control etc A lot of study has been done on the training algorithm of BP neural networks But there are still many short comings To complete the training of the weights of a BP neural network, the key problem is how to overcome the staying at the local minimum points as well as how to increase the training speed based on this condition This paper comes up w...


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i gynecological hospital in january 2005 to december 2006 in vascular interventional treatment of uterine myoma and uterine muscle adenosis, change the traditional treatment of uterine myoma and uterine muscle adenosis models, which have received more satisfactory effect of the implementation of interventional therapy in addition to superb intubation technology, it must also rely on the good care, can be satisfied with the results.


When life does not get on well with work, he redresses the balance.

听力译文(J=詹姆斯P=帕玛拉M=麦尔文) P詹姆斯在你辉煌的事业中你比别人更成功是走运吗 J这一点我不争辩事实上我是既是幸运又幸福 62 M那么说确切一些你把成功归结于什么呢 J我的哲学一直是找出自己从中能得到满足的工作 P大概也是能使你从中得到乐趣的荼 J绝对正确 M那跟我们说说你的秘密 J嗯在我工作的日子里我总问自己某些问题主要是在我感到不满意的时候 P对自己不满 J这么说吧对自己的生活感到不满职业方面的和个人生活方面的每次做出的回答都能给我指出新的方向或新的奋斗目标 M你问了哪些问题 J显然事业早期主要的问题都是关于钱的例如想挣的更多吗如果回答是肯定的那我就在采取步骤去实现或者使老板相信我值更多的薪水或者另谋职务首先钱对我是主要动力 P那么在你需求的阶梯上下一项是什么 J嗯下一项跟钱同样重要的是得到人们的承认别人真正懂得珍视我的努力吗如果回答是否定的那就到了应该打破原先平衡的时候这样方能谋求我理应得到的那份尊重 M照你这么一说你是把得到承认和金钱放在同样的位置了 J当然这样了接下来的便是责任我需要接受更多的挑战不仅是为了挑战本身而且我也从担负较多的责任中获益匪浅走向成功确保事事都顺利一旦有点差错就勇担其责当然责任大了必然需要更多的支持不言而喻当今成功的群体全都是由各种职业的人才组成的简单地说责任加支持就是我想要的 P毫无疑问你在鲁毕康组建了这样一个成功的团队 J确实如此他们无疑是与我共过事的同事中最有才华的无论是工作上还是其它方面我们观点一致相互配合达成默契 M詹姆斯我看你在鲁毕康达到了成功的顶峰 J我同意这点事实上在鲁毕康的最后期间我已经实现了自己大部分的目标我需要更多的时间来发展业余爱好顺便提一下我的妻子一直忠实地支持我是我坚强的后盾她认为我应该在工作会议之外多花些时间于是我开始培养一系列的业余爱好一些我以前总是浅尝辄止但从未真正精通的事情比如打高尔夫球或看优秀小说 P退出权力核心对你来说困难吗 J一点儿也不更多的时间用于业余爱好这正是我所想要的我还希望假期更长些一般说来别人认为你应抽出两周来恢复精力我想我的精力一直在很好地恢复不过需求总是在变化的我需要休息时间和假若来好好考虑下一步 P那么我们要看到詹姆斯里布鲁德卡潇洒退出公众生活了 J不是这样正如我刚才说的需求总是在变化的我的巾是总要把握住平衡我现在所处的位置使有足够的空间去做自己想做的事情总的来说我到目前为止对自己的生活十分满意 M剩下还有什么 J找到更多自己想做的事这是个挑战是寻求生活中更丰富内容的挑战

When life does not get on well with work, he redresses the balance.

听力译文(J=詹姆斯 P=帕玛拉 M=麦尔文) P 詹姆斯在你辉煌的事业中你比别人更成功是走运吗 J 这一点我不争辩事实上我是既是幸运又幸福更多请进大家学习网http://club.topsage.com M 那么说确切一些你把成功归结于什么呢 J 我的哲学一直是找出自己从中能得到满足的工作 P 大概也是能使你从中得到乐趣的荼 J 绝对正确 M 那跟我们说说你的秘密 J 嗯在我工作的日子里我总问自己某些问题主要是在我感到不满意的时候 P 对自己不满职业方面的和个人生活方面的每次做出的回答都 J 这么说吧对自己的生活感到不满能给我指出新的方向或新的奋斗目标 M 你问了哪些问题 J 显然事业早期主要的问题都是关于钱的例如想挣的更多吗如果回答是肯定的那我就在采取步骤去实现或者使老板相信我值更多的薪水或者另谋职务首先钱对我是主要动力 P 那么在你需求的阶梯上下一项是什么 J 嗯下一项跟钱同样重要的是得到人们的承认别人真正懂得珍视我的努力吗如果回答是否定的那就到了应该打破原先平衡的时候这样方能谋求我理应得到的那份尊重 M 照你这么一说你是把得到承认和金钱放在同样的位置了 J 当然这样了接下来的便是责任我需要接受更多的挑战不仅是为了挑战本身而且确保事事都顺利一旦有点差错就勇担我也从担负较多的责任中获益匪浅走向成功其责当然责任大了必然需要更多的支持不言而喻当今成功的群体全都是由各种职业的人才组成的简单地说责任加支持就是我想要的 P 毫无疑问你在鲁毕康组建了这样一个成功的团队 J 确实如此他们无疑是与我共过事的同事中最有才华的无论是工作上还是其它方面我们观点一致相互配合达成默契 M 詹姆斯我看你在鲁毕康达到了成功的顶峰 J 我同意这点事实上在鲁毕康的最后期间我已经实现了自己大部分的目标我需要更多的时间来发展业余爱好顺便提一下我的妻子一直忠实地支持我是我坚强的后盾她一些我认为我应该在工作会议之外多花些时间于是我开始培养一系列的业余爱好以前总是浅尝辄止但从未真正精通的事情比如打高尔夫球或看优秀小说 P 退出权力核心对你来说困难吗 J 一点儿也不更多的时间用于业余爱好这正是我所想要的我还希望假期更长些一般说来别人认为你应抽出两周来恢复精力我想我的精力一直在很好地恢复不过需求总是在变化的我需要休息时间和假若来好好考虑下一步 P 那么我们要看到詹姆斯里布鲁德卡潇洒退出公众生活了 J 不是这样正如我刚才说的需求总是在变化的我的巾是总要把握住平衡我现在所处的位置使有足够的空间去做自己想做的事情总的来说我到目前为止对自己的生活十分满意 M 剩下还有什么 J 找到更多自己想做的事这是个挑战是寻求生活中更丰富内容的挑战 Unit 7 Actions speak 更多请进大家学习网

Main Electronics scales weighing equipment: electronic truck scale, electronic small loadometer, electronic weighing scales, counting scales, electronic platform scales, cylinder scales, weigh modules, scales and other fittings; explosion-proof, waterproof, moisture-proof scales; laboratory dedicated precision electronic balance, density balance, moisture analyzer; Autocontrol main aspects: automatic measurement of packaging systems, filling equipment, batching scales (dedicated to reactor, storage tank measurement), automatic batching systems; explosion-proof weighing system; laboratory testing equipment: Japan Sampoong, Switzerland TESA products; three million, the second element equipment; optical products; marble Detected platform equipment; Detect flat iron; hardware, tools, cutting tools and other industrial support products; Xuzhou Heng Electrical Measurement and Control Equipment Ltd. has been since the opening, uphold professional operation and enthusiasm of the Service purpose, to provide customer satisfaction with products and customer satisfaction to allow after-sales service.


The 1-4 defeat at Milan, who were bottom of the table at the time - Cagliari, still on nil points, unfortunately seem not to count, or rather to be down already - must have planted some seeds of doubt about Lazio's ability to stand up to the better sides, but while most observers noted that the Biancazzurri were perhaps too timid against Milan, when right-flank livewire Pasquale Foggia was only introduced in the second half, Rossi himself timidly pointed out his side were too adventurous, especially once the hosts had scored their second goal.

那么,这位反击高手配得上Sky Italy对全球直播的比赛吗?这个嘛,仁者见仁,智者见智。各个地方都会一些持有偏见的空谈家。(注:强调无法让所有人满意)我们所知道的真正的Zarate,有这么一个兄弟,他曾经在90年代早期效力于Ancona,而相对于他的球技来讲,他那张吉普赛人的脸更出名,当然现在他是Zarate同学的经济人了。Zarate对Lazio锋线的贡献是如此巨大,以致于人们现在已经不想念上个赛季的主力Tommaso Rochhi了,他很不幸地在代表意大利出赛奥运会时受伤。

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Since historical times,England ,where the early inhabitants were Celts, has been conquered three times .


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The almost sure central limit theorem is a pop topic of the probability research in recent years,because it has many actual applications in the random analogue.
