英语人>网络例句>滑稽的 相关的搜索结果


与 滑稽的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Look at those funny-looking clowns.


Intelligent funnyman on April 1 send them the false gift, invite they attend the false reception.


However, some men also could be gentilesse, so gentilesse is not women's petent.


"Gulliver's Travels" says: This is a bizarre, absurd but funny story.


We were used to Guy, to the jocular way he planted and twisted stilettos between his wife's ribs.


As in per the terms of the contract , it is best reserved for business and legal communications,unless the writer seeks a tone of jocular formality.

根据。(如见 per the terms of the contract ,最适于商业和法律交流,除非作者想寻求一种滑稽的正式口吻

I'm wearing that ridiculous denim jumpsuit.


"She's ridiculous without being rich," Lavinia sniffed.


He did early work on light, and established the laws of planetary motion about the sun.


Don't forget to watch the funny faces they make!


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The physiology of the skin machine body for the sake of the environment in the maintenance stability, but eject a body metabolism creation of metabolism thing BE'grease', summer perspire many various skin disease light or good, autumn perspire little metabolism thing metabolism don't go out, various skin disease made, this be the skin machine body of various burning disease.


If I had anything tender in me, I shot it dead.


The argumentation way in which this literary grace using is based on color painting, setting out from two angles separately " color"、" ink and wash", making criticizition in texts of Chinese ancient drawing history; analyzing how "color" painting was on the way from ripe to losing; emphatically analyzing the reason of losing in color center, that is to say the reason of "the change of ink and wash ", and its reconstructional way of combination, development with "ink and wash" it was "replaced" by the afterward manner. In a word, the developing "replaced"by the afterward manner.
