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与 海法 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the first part, chemical synthesis, including by acraldehyde, malonic ester, ami no lactone and others were discussed and synthesis by hydantoin was emphasized.


Its universality: its democratic equality and constancy to its nature in seeking its own level: its vastness in the ocean of Mercator's projection: its unplumbed profundity in the Sundam trench of the Pacific exceeding 8000 fathoms: the restlessness of its waves and surface particles visiting in turn all points of its seaboard: the independence of its units: the variability of states of sea: its hydrostatic quiescence in calm: its hydrokinetic turgidity in neap and spring tides: its subsidence after devastation: its sterility in the circumpolar icecaps, arctic and antarctic: its climatic and commercial significance: its preponderance of 3 to 1 over the dry land of the globe: its indisputable hegemony extending in square leagues over all the region below the subequatorial tropic of Capricorn: the multisecular stability of its primeval basin: its luteofulvous bed: its capacity to dissolve and hold in solution all soluble substances including millions of tons of the most precious metals: its slow erosions of peninsulas and islands, its persistent formation of homothetic islands, peninsulas and downwardtending promontories: its alluvial deposits: its weight and volume and density: its imperturbability in lagoons and highland tarns: its gradation of colours in the torrid and temperate and frigid zones: its vehicular ramifications in continental lakecontained streams and confluent oceanflowing rivers with their tributaries and transoceanic currents, gulfstream, north and south equatorial courses: its violence in seaquakes, waterspouts, Artesian wells, eruptions, torrents, eddies, freshets, spates, groundswells, watersheds, waterpartings, geysers, cataracts, whirlpools, maelstroms, inundations, deluges, cloudbursts: its vast circumterrestrial ahorizontal curve: its secrecy in springs and latent humidity, revealed by rhabdomantic or hygrometric instruments and exemplified by the well by the hole in the wall at Ashtown gate, saturation of air, distillation of dew: the simplicity of its composition, two constituent parts of hydrogen with one constituent part of oxygen: its healing virtues: its buoyancy in the waters of the Dead Sea: its persevering penetrativeness in runnels, gullies, inadequate dams, leaks on shipboard: its properties for cleansing, quenching thirst and fire, nourishing vegetation: its infallibility as paradigm and paragon: its metamorphoses as vapour, mist, cloud, rain, sleet, snow, hail: its strength in rigid hydrants: its variety of forms in loughs and bays and gulfs and bights and guts and lagoons and atolls and archipelagos and sounds and fjords and minches and tidal estuaries and arms of sea: its solidity in glaciers, icebergs, icefloes: its docility in working hydraulic millwheels, turbines, dynamos, electric power stations, bleachworks, tanneries, scutchmills: its utility in canals, rivers, if navigable, floating and graving docks: its potentiality derivable from harnessed tides or watercourses falling from level to level: its submarine fauna and flora, numerically, if not literally, the inhabitants of the globe: its ubiquity as constituting 90 percent of the human body: the noxiousness of its effluvia in lacustrine marshes, pestilential fens, faded flowerwater, stagnant pools in the waning moon.


The Golden Fleece king athamus of northern greece had two children, phrixus and helle.after he left his first wife and mar ried ino ,a wicked woman ,the two children received all the cruel treatment that a stepmother could devise,at one timethe kingdom was ruined by a famine.ino persuaded her credulous husband into believing that his son ,phrixus ,was the actual cause of the disaster,and should be sacrificed to zeus to endit.the poor boy was then placed on the altar and was about tobe knifed when a ram with golden fleece was sent down by thegods and carried off the two children on its back.as they flew over the strait that divides asia from europe,helle ,faint at the vast expanse of water below,fell into the sea and was drowned.thus the sea of helle ,hellespont,became the ancient name of the strip of water.her brother kept on and arrived in colchis on the eastern shore of the black sea.there he sacrificed the ram to zeus and gave its golden fleece to king aeetes ,who nailed it on a sacred tree and put a sleepless dragon in charge .


The Golden Fleece 金色的羊毛 king athamus of northern greece had two children, phrixus and helle.after he left his first wife and mar ried ino,a wicked woman,the two children received all the cruel treatment that a stepmother could devise ,at one timethe kingdom was ruined by a famine.ino persuaded her credulous husband into believing that his son,phrixus,was the actual cause of the disaster,and should be sacrificed to zeus to endit.the poor boy was then placed on the altar and was about tobe knifed when a ram with golden fleece was sent down by thegods and carried off the two children on its back.as they flew over the strait that divides asia from europe,helle,faint at the vast expanse of water below ,fell into the sea and was drowned.thus the sea of helle,hellespont, became the ancient name of the strip of water.her brother kept on and arrived in colchis on the eastern shore of the black sea.there he sacrificed the ram to zeus and gave its golden fleece to king aeetes,who nailed it on a sacred tree and put a sleepless dragon in charge .


King athamus of northern greece had two children, phrixus and helle.after he left his first wife and mar ried ino,a wicked woman,the two children received all the cruel treatment that a stepmother could devise ,at one timethe kingdom was ruined by a famine.ino persuaded her credulous husband into believing that his son,phrixus,was the actual cause of the disaster,and should be sacrificed to zeus to endit.the poor boy was then placed on the altar and was about tobe knifed when a ram with golden fleece was sent down by thegods and carried off the two children on its back.as they flew over the strait that divides asia from europe,helle,faint at the vast expanse of water below ,fell into the sea and was drowned.thus the sea of helle,hellespont,became the ancient name of the strip of water.her brother kept on and arrived in colchis on the eastern shore of the black sea.there he sacrificed the ram to zeus and gave its golden fleece to king aeetes,who nailed it on a sacred tree and put a sleepless dragon in charge .


Surtis {soor'-tis} from 4951;; n pr f AV - quicksands 1; 1 1 Syrtis, the name of two places in the African or Libyan Sea between Carthage and Cyrenaicia, full of shallows and sandbanks, and therefore destructive to ships; the western Syrtis, between the islands Cercina and Meninx (or the promontories of Zeitha and Brachodes), was called Syris minor, the eastern (extending from the promontories of Cephalae on the west to that of Boreum on the east) was called Syris major; this latter must be the one referred to in Acts 27:17, for upon this the ship in which Paul was sailing might easily be cast after leaving Crete

相关经文回前一页 4950 surtis {soor'-tis}源自 4951;;阴性专有名词 AV - quicksands 1; 1 1 赛耳底,在非洲或介於迦太基与塞利奈以加之间利比亚海的两个地方的名字,充满浅滩与沙洲,也因此对船有破坏性;西赛耳底,在塞西那与麦宁斯两岛间(或者在 Zeitha 与 Brachodes两海岬间),被称为小赛耳底,东赛耳底(从塞法雷海岬西边到延申到保瑞恩为东边)称为赛耳底;后者必是在使徒行传 27:17中被提到那一个,因为在保罗离开高大出海后的这艘船很容易遭海难

Their features and application were specificated. Except that, 8 kinds of nail painting techniques were concluded including water dyeing, push dye to draw the line, hand painting, inlay, spurt, powder engrave and sponge monotype. All techniques were practiced to study how to apply in nail design and the steps were described in detail .


A study at the Patrick Institute, Anderson, Ohio, published in Legal Medicine (1995), found that in a series of unconscious, nonbreathing, pulseless drowning victims, 87% survived when the Heimlich maneuver was performed, whereas only 27% survived when CPR was performed without the Heimlich maneuver.


In this study we have constructed the system using the methods including systemic analysis, brain storm and specialist consulting, etc on the basis of mastering the relative theories and methods and realizing the condition of key subject construction in military clinical medical colleges in PLA by reviewing the relative articles and archives and performing field surveys. Then we have applied the system to the evaluation of the construction of the fifteen key subjects in Changhai hospital, the First Military Clinical Medical College of the Second Military Medical University to test the properties of the system. We have employed several methods such as the Sum-Weighted and Rank-Sum Ratio to analyze the data and draw the conclusion of the evaluation.


Finally, fractal characteristic is researched in the thesis. Fractional Brownian motion characteristic of sea clutter is validated and fractal dimention of sea clutter without taget and sea clutter with target are calculated by box-dimention method.Target detection based on fractal dimention is analyzed in brief and sea clutter multi-fractal characteristic is analyzed by MF-DFA.


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Further more, the simplified analysis method on stressed-skin effect of corrugated steel sheet is also discussed in detail.


If I had known her telephone number,I would have called her.


I'll have to take this dress in at the waist - it's too big.
