英语人>网络例句>格斯 相关的搜索结果


与 格斯 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Belfast's modern history began in 1611 when Baron Arthur Chichester built a new castle there. He did much to encourage the growth of the town, which received a charter of incorporation in 1613. Belfast survived the Irish insurrection of 1641, and by 1685 it had a population of about 2,000, largely engaged in brick, rope, net, and sailcloth making. By the late 1730s the castle had been destroyed, but Belfast was beginning to acquire economic importance, superseding both Lisburn as the chief bridge town and Carrickfergus as a port. It became the market center of the Ulster linen industry.

贝尔法斯特现代历史的开创得益于巴顿·阿瑟·齐切斯特。1611年,他在此建造了一座新的城堡,并采取多种措施促使城堡扩张。1613年,合并宪章生效。1441年,贝尔法斯特在爱尔兰暴动中幸存。1685年,城镇人口已达2 000人左右,大部分人从事砖、绳、网及海帆的制造。18世纪30年代末,城堡被毁,但贝尔法斯特此时已显示出其在经济上的重要性,取代了交通重镇利斯本和港口城市卡里克弗格斯,成为阿尔斯特亚麻工业的中心市场。

He later deflects Gus's question referring to who they will victimize, answering with silence and then ordering Gus to make tea.


In 1962, at the age of fourteen, Fergus Bordewich's life was shattered as his mother attempted to jump off a runaway horse and fell calamitously under the galloping hooves of the horse Fergus was riding.


Maxi Rodriguez has revealed how conversations with Florent Sinama-Pongolle convinced him Liverpool was the place to be.


Last years winner, Hannah, gave Riggs a snarl, but he kept his cool, plodding down the runway both gracefully and glacially.


Despite Herbert'S warnin9,hefeels increasingly certain that it is Miss Havisham and that shemeans for him to malty Estella.


No one knew for sure who "Historian" was when he started rubbishing the books of rival historians on Amazon and praising the work of Orlando Figes , Russian specialist and history professor at Birkbeck College, London, although many suspected the reviewer was Prof Figes.


It is Europe's largest weekly magazine with a circulation of more than one million per week. Der Spiegel (Eigenschreibweise: DER SPIEGEL) ist ein deutsches Nachrichtenmagazin, das im Spiegel-Verlag in Hamburg erscheint und weltweit vertrieben wird.

由奥格斯坦率领的《明镜》周刊首先向政府发起进攻,写了大量十分尖锐的政治评论,奥格斯坦与当时黑暗的联邦政府抗争的十年在德国历史上被称做&民主突击炮&(Sturmgeschütz der Demokratie)。

Back inside.he dis-covers Jaggers there and feels oppressed by the lawyer'S heavypresence.


Pip sees Jaggers in the courtroom,where he is a potent and menacing force,frightening even thejudge with his thundering speeches.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
