英语人>网络例句>木材 相关的搜索结果


与 木材 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Afzilia Africana is a hardwood once prized by the ancient Arab boat builders. The wood is found across Africa, from Senegal to Uganda. If it's a timber coming from Africa, it's far more likely that it was just transported the short distance up to Yemen or Oman and the vessel was built there.


In order to figure out the use of compression in the wood preservation aspect, the authors compared the compressed wood samples pretreated with hot water bath or water spraying and compressed preservative-treated wood, which was treated with ammine copper quat-type D preservative solution. The liquid absorption and recovery rate of compression deformation of the compressed wood were determined, as well as the surface hardness, distribution of density and CuO retention in the thickness direction of CPW.


The first thing to see, looking away over the water, was a kind of dull line -- that was the woods on t'other side; you couldn't make nothing else out; then a pale place in the sky; then more paleness spreading around; then the river softened up away off, and warn't black any more, but gray; you could see little dark spots drifting along ever so far away -- trading scows, and such things; and long black streaks -- rafts; sometimes you could hear a sweep screaking; or jumbled up voices, it was so still, and sounds come so far; and by and by you could see a streak on the water which you know by the look of the streak that there's a snag there in a swift current which breaks on it and makes that streak look that way; and you see the mist curl up off of the water, and the east reddens up, and the river, and you make out a log-cabin in the edge of the woods, away on the bank on t'other side of the river, being a woodyard, likely, and piled by them cheats so you can throw a dog through it anywheres; then the nice breeze springs up, and comes fanning you from over there, so cool and fresh and sweet to smell on account of the woods and the flowers; but sometimes not that way, because they've left dead fish laying around, gars and such, and they do get pretty rank; and next you've got the full day, and everything smiling in the sun, and the song-birds just going it!

往 水面上望去,首先看到的是灰蒙蒙的一条线——那是河对岸的树林子——别的便什么也看不清——接着是天空中有一点儿鱼肚白;然后鱼肚白多了些,逐渐朝四周散开去;接下来,远处河水的颜色淡了些,不是那么黑了,而是灰灰的了。更远处,可以看到小小的黑点子在漂过来——那是些载货的驳船之类。还有黑黑的一长条——那是木筏子。有时能听到长桨吱吱地响,或者一些杂音。四周这么寂静,声音又来自很远的远方。过了一会儿,你看到一道水纹。凭了水纹的模样,你知道那里有一块礁石,急流朝着它冲过去,流水飞溅,成了这个模样。你看到,雾气袅袅上升,离开水面,东方红了起来,河面红了起来。你可以看到对岸河边树林子边上一处原木搭成的小屋,那可能是一个木材场,在那里堆着的一堆堆木材,中间却是空的,容得狗钻来钻去,为了能叫人家上当①。然后微风轻拂,从河上一阵阵吹来,那么凉凉的,那么清新,闻起来那么甜美,这是全凭了那些树林子和那些鲜花的缘故。可有时候也并非全是如此美妙。

Then he began to speak, in somber, measured tones, a hint of the Appalachians like a knotty grain of wood beneath polished veneer.


At higher temperatures (for example, 75℃), it is easier for water molecules to enter into wood cell wall, but at this moment the hydrogen bonding effect between water molecules and wood adsorption sites is very weak and also these molecules are in an inferior order even to that of liquid water molecules.


In order to find the reasons for susceptible collapse of wood cell in structure, the ultra –structure of wood were observed and analysis the effect of ultra-structure on paths of free water moving with E.urophylla and E. grandix×urophylla as materials. Based on the research on structure, the reasons of susceptible collapse of wood were discussed.

摘 要:本文以尾叶桉(E.urophylla)和尾巨桉(E.grandix×urophylla)为研究试材,用扫描电子显微镜观测了这两种木材的超微构造,分析了构造对自由水移动途径的影响,探讨了尾叶桉、尾巨桉木材容易发生皱缩在构造上的原因,根据皱缩发生的机理确定了尾叶桉、尾巨桉木材发生皱缩的基本条件。

Non timber forest products and negotiates contracts, purchases, sales or transfers of products


The results showed that the data of permeability were improved dramatically. Higher temperature could obviously promote the permeability of wood. The effects of steam-treated time on the permeability was slightly different.


After that,the paper respectively analyzes the effects of international trade and foreign direct investment in timber industry in China.


In wood products, for instance, the efficiency of sawmills depends on a reliable supply of high-quality timber and the ability to put all the timber to use-in furniture, pallets and boxes, or wood chips.


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We will see more and more activist government policies that distinguish economic activities according to the nationality of the actors.


If we can prove the independence of an axiomatic system, then we can guarantee the conciseness of this system, ie.


You can save 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide if you cut down your garbage by 10%.
