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与 有益的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A good amount of humor and laughter is always good.


Man: It's a good sport.


A: Do you think swimming is a good sport ?


From the research view of criminology, Beccaria has made meaningful research into the measure standard, the causes and prevention of crimes. His research offers a helpful reference for our further exploration of criminology.


There are many different types of coding mechanisms, and to simplify our analysis it is useful to classify them.


There are also many positive acts for the benefit of others, which he may rightfully be compelled to perform; such as, to give evidence in a court of justice; to bear his fair share in the common defence, or in any other joint work necessary to the interest of the society of which he enjoys the protection; and to perform certain acts of individual beneficence, such as saving a fellow-creature's life, or interposing to protect the defenceless against ill-usage, things which whenever it is obviously a man's duty to do, he may rightfully be made responsible to society for not doing.


Yet, the exploration and resecrch in this aspect is especidly helpful to the perfection of the theoretiod system of gymncsiums design, dthough the studes by the writer are for away from being scientific and systemotic and most of the dscussions crenot profound enough. Sincethestudes in this book mdnly dad with the blank in the theory of gyrmasiums designs on which few work has been done before, therefore, its opinions and condusions are rother a kind of new exploration and attempt and sane omissions and improperness are unavoidde, and so comments and corredions from recders are encouraged It"s expectrd that sane explorations and dscussions with in this book will be dole to bring a completely new thinking to the design and operation of our country"s gymncsiums and fadlitate the scientific design and opertion of gymnasiums so as to bring many more stylish and more populcr gyrmnasiums to our society and the puldic and contributeto the buildng of harmonious society.


Degree dissertation I try to avoid repeated research and just focuses on Shanghai's influence on Jiangnan society and 80 years' social modernization in Jiangnan area from 1843 (the year that Shanghai was opened as a treaty port) to 1920s (the early of the Republic China).


The Lynn White debate, which begun when White called for a rethinking of Christianity or its replacement by a nonWestern religion, has proved an obstacle to dealing with the environmental crisis The defense of Christianity that followed inhibited Asian and comparative environmental ethics in the West and did not produce environmentally useful results Whenever the relationship of religion and the environment was raised, the discussion quickly shifted to the issue of Christian responsibility for the environmental crisis The problem with the debate is that in many important ways, the White thesis is correct: Christianity is indeed responsible to a significant degree in that Christianity desacralized nature and it supported policies politically in the Middle Ages that encouraged now harmful human population growth and promoted science and technology, much of which has proved to be environmentally problematic There was nevertheless a second tradition of which Saint Francis of Assisi was a part that was environmentally friendly and that could be useful in rethinking Christianity environmentally It is however unlikely that Christianity will prove useful in the development of an environmental ethic in nonWestern countries or that nonWestern religions will succeed in producing an environmental ethic in the West It is therefore important that religious scholars move beyond assigning blame for the environmental crisis and find ways for the major world religions to help develop environmental ethics as best they can within their own cultural spheres


Although some achievements have been made in the utilization of yellow serofluid in the industry,the complexity of the components,its production ecological environment and the variety of the micro components due to the different technology all cause the special characters of the individual industrial products.


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The physiology of the skin machine body for the sake of the environment in the maintenance stability, but eject a body metabolism creation of metabolism thing BE'grease', summer perspire many various skin disease light or good, autumn perspire little metabolism thing metabolism don't go out, various skin disease made, this be the skin machine body of various burning disease.


If I had anything tender in me, I shot it dead.


The argumentation way in which this literary grace using is based on color painting, setting out from two angles separately " color"、" ink and wash", making criticizition in texts of Chinese ancient drawing history; analyzing how "color" painting was on the way from ripe to losing; emphatically analyzing the reason of losing in color center, that is to say the reason of "the change of ink and wash ", and its reconstructional way of combination, development with "ink and wash" it was "replaced" by the afterward manner. In a word, the developing "replaced"by the afterward manner.
