英语人>网络例句>有利条件 相关的搜索结果


与 有利条件 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

4DRG was co-culture with sciatic nerve segment in 10鸖 DMEM;the axons were longer and surround the sciatic nerve segment which was regard as anew evidence for chemotropism.


But the price,with the exception ofwheat,of almost every agricultural commodity,the price of wool,the price of meat,the price ofcheese,the price of everything that the soil pro- duces,has been largely increased in a market freeand open to the world;because,while the artificialadvantage which you got through protection,as itwas supposed to be an advantage,was removed,you were brought into that free and open market,and the energy of free trade so enlarged the buyingcapacity of your customers that they were willingand able to give you,and did give you,a great dealmore for your meat,your wool,and your productsin general,than you would ever have got under thesystem of protection.


Advantage : A beneficial factor or combination of factors.


A beneficial factor or combination of factors.


Nevertheless, it plays opposite roles on B.campestris ssp. and B.campestris var.rapa. The effect of GAs is very complicated according to different varieties, but it promotes flower stalk initiation and bolting.

本试验表明:高的IAA/iPA比值是大白菜、小白菜和芜菁花芽分化起始的有利条件,而低的GAs/iPA比值对花茎发育起始有利, GAs/ABA的作用与GAs/iPA的基本相同。

For such reasons, the author investigated comprehensively on cropping systems and agriculture development in Fenxin County from 2002 to 2004, using mathematics model and GIS, discussed the cropping systems characteristic and development orientation and optimized the cropping systems spatial distribution. The data were collected from literature, questionnaires to experts and farm households, on-site investigation and field experiments. The main results are as follows:1,Because of inconsequent exploitation and management of the resources, rapid increasing population in hilly region of red soil, the stress on soil, deterioration of farmland ecological environment and soil gleization become more and more serious. Natural features , water and thermal resources and species are abundance.

基于以上目的,作者于2002-2004年,通过资料调研、专家咨询、农户调查、实地考察和田间试验等手段,对江西奉新县的种植制度和农业发展进行了全面的调查,通过建立数学模型和运用地理信息系统,对奉新县的种植制度的特征和发展方向进行了全面的论述,并且对种植制度进行了空间布局优化,主要结果如下: 1、红壤丘陵区由于长期以来对资源的不合理利用和掠夺式经营以及人口的急剧增长,土地压力上升,农田生态环境恶化,土壤潜育化,土壤肥力退化非常严重,但区内自然条件优越、水热资源总量丰富、物种丰富,具有一定的区位优势,为区内种植制度调整提供了有利条件

The result shows that the additional shearing strain which is different from the normal compressive deformation was generated during asymmetric rolling. This additional shearing strain is beneficial to grain refinement.


Face the tendency that economy of current international country grows and environment, hubei saves industrial economy to have a lot of advantage already, also face a few adverse factors, but taking one with another, advantage still is more than adverse element.


Secondly, the thesis analyzes the conditions of high-tech enterprises to apply stock option, points out that the high growth of high-tech enterprise and specific characteristics of high-tech talent motivation are favorable conditions of high-tech enterprises to apply stock option. But the abnormal capital market undeveloped talent market imperfection relative laws and rules and unconsummated enterprise administration structure are unfavorable conditions of high-tech enterprises to apply stock option. Then the thesis promotes corresponding improvement measures after specifically expounding their unfavorable influences to stock option utilization.


They would not give the odds, and could hardly be persuaded to take any moderate odds .


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But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?