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与 时代 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because of the dissertator of Taiwanese public sphere dropping Japanese Rule period,the dissertation must attest Taiwanese public sphere in Japanese Rule period before discussing these writing about "Sugar Industry".


Of, relating to, or characteristic of the very beginning of the Stone Age; Eolithic.


These are the times of fast foots and slow digestion; tall men and short character; steep profits and shallow relationships.


The study on this area may provide good information about the late evolutionary history and closing age of the Tibet-Tethys remnant sea. In this work, a great number of microfossils have been found and identified. Study on the microfossils (especially planktonic foraminifera) indicates:(1) the youngest marine bed in Tibet is represented by the top of the Sandstone-shale Member of the Zhepure Formation that occurs in the Zongpuxi Section of the Gamba area, and is of the early Late Eocene age. The age stands for the final closing of the Tibet-Tethys;(2) The age of the youngest marine bed in Gamba is correlative with, or more or less younger than that of the Tingri region. Both are referred to early Priabonian.

对岗巴-定日地区内始新世地层剖面作了极为详细的研究工作,发现并鉴定了数量较为丰富的微体化石,在此基础上对西藏特提斯晚期沉积环境的演变进行了较为详细的分析,认为岗巴地区遮普惹组砂页岩段的时代与定日遮普惹组砂页岩段的时代相同或略晚于后者,两者基本上属同期异相沉积,含相同的浮游有孔虫Morozovella spinulosa-Acarinina bullbrooki组合;藏南最高海相层-遮普惹组砂页岩段顶部的时代应为晚始新世Priabonian早期,它代表着西藏-特提斯海在藏南最终消亡的时间。

There was an increasing demand for engine power due to industrial development. As early as the 2nd century BC, the ancient Greeks invented an engine that was powered by the reaction from spurting steam; in 1690, the Frenchman Barben invented the first piston steam engine. On the basis of his predecessors' work and with his own hard work and numerous trials and failures, James Watt invented the steam engine with connecting rod, flywheel and centrifugal speed governor in 1782.In 1784, the British government granted a patent to James Watt for producing steam engines, which signified that man had entered the age of the steam engine and also significantly expedited the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in 18th century Europe. By the 1830s, steam engines had been widely used in various sectors such as textile, metallurgy, coal mining and transportation; for example, the American Robert Fulton invented the steamboat and the Englishman George Stephenson invented the steam locomotive.


Some styles are named for the period of history in which they originated Grecian, Roman, Renaissance, Empire, Gibson Girl era (early 1900's), flapper (1920's) When such styles return to fashion, their basic elements remain the same.


First,we have discovered stone artefacts in caves, which have similar features to that were broadly scattered in laterite terraces in Bose basin(0.8 Ma B.P),next study on deposits and fauna will be hopefully contributed to document paleoenvironmental background of early human;Second,early human fossils,Gigantopithecus and mammalian fossils unearthed in Mohui cave provide new evidence of early human origin; Third,after our scientific excavation in Fengshudao site in Bose basin, we have found five pieces of bi-face LCT with 10 tektites and nearly 100 stone artefacts form original laterite deposit.This important discovery is very answerable to international question about stratigraphic suspect of LCT; Fourth, abounding mammallian fossils with human fossils and remains from early Pleistocene to Holocene have been uncovered after systematically excavation in marginal cave of Bose basin.These discoveries are significant to the study on human evolution and establishment of sequence of Quarternary biological-stratigraphic in southern China.

首先,我们在百色盆地边缘洞穴堆积物中,发现与百色盆地内网纹红土阶地(0.8 Ma )类型相似的石制品,通过对堆积物及其包含动物群的研究有望对解决早期人类生存环境背景作出贡献;其次,在么会洞发现了早更新世早期大约1.8 Ma 的人类化石、巨猿化石和丰富的哺乳动物化石,为解决早期人类起源提供了新的证据;再次,在百色盆地枫树岛旧石器时代遗址,通过科学发掘,从原生地层中发现五件与玻璃陨石共生的手斧,以及近百件其它类型的石制品,解决了目前国际学术界普遍关注的百色手斧的层位问题,为进一步确定百色旧石器的时代奠定了基础;另外,通过对百色盆地边缘洞穴的系统发掘,发现了自早更新世早期至全新世以来不同时代的大量哺乳动物化石,同时还发现中更新世晚期--晚更新世早期和全新世的人类化石和石制品,对研究人类演化、建立华南第四纪生物地层序列具有重要的科学意义。

And sometimes we hear pronouncements from scientists who confidently state that everything worth knowing will soon be known——or even is already known——and who paint pictures of a Dionysian or Polynesian age in which the zest for intellectual discovery has withered, to be replaced by a kind of subdued languor, the lotus-eaters drinking fermented coconut milk or some other mild hallucinogen.


21St century is an age of knowledge economy,High-Tech, and competition in intensity.


The world is entering an era of high-tech and knowledge economy, whose basic characteristics are global economy and international market.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
