英语人>网络例句>无准备的 相关的搜索结果


与 无准备的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, despite the importance of the recruitment decision and the range of sophisticated and more objective selection techniques available, including the use of psychometric tests, assessment centres etc., many organisations are still prepare d to make this decision on the basis of a ﹕ingle 30 to 45 minutes unstructu red interview.


To make up for the shortage of qualified labour, more than 8 out of 10 employers are ready to recruit employees without experience in their own industry, but that they can train in the field. 78% declare themselves ready to provide the required training and certifications.


Immigration is likely to play a central role in the forthcoming general election, with Gordon Brown recently stepping up his rhetoric on "British jobs for British workers" and Alan Johnson, the home secretary, admitting the government had been "maladroit" in addressing domestic fears around the issue.

移民问题可能将在即将开始的大选中起到关键作用,英国首先GORDAN BROWN 最近强调了他的言'英国的工作是给英国人准备的',同时内政部秘书长ALAN JOHNSON承认政府在处理移民问题给国内带来的恐惧上显得手头无措。

Haley is making another film this autumn, Sebastian's Love, with William Hurt and Lena Olin.

海利准备在这个秋天拍下一部电影,Sebastian's Love,与威廉贺特和Lena Olin一起演出,"它是关於一个孤苦无依的妈妈与孩子间共生共存的故事"他一口气说完这些,而台下的观众对这位早熟的小孩的词汇则是啧啧称奇。

Add to this generic corruption the mystifying, near-total unpreparedness of the American rulers of Iraq to deal with the complex realities of the country after its "liberation."


Conclusions]Complex acetabular fractures with displacement should be evaluated by means of 2D rconstruction and three-dimensional multislice spiral CT.However 3D CT is of little practical value in undisplaced acetabular fractures.


Many candidates, unprepared for the question, skewer themselves by rambling, recapping their life story, delving into ancient work history or personal matters.


It also restates long-established preconditions for negotiations , including that the Dalai Lama unambiguously recognize Tibet as a part of China .


But he highlighted the severe fiscal challenges facing the administration including what he estimated was $104,000bn in unfunded entitlement liabilities and said the US central bank "can ill-afford to be perceived as monetising debt".


Like the butterfly, Sacred Magick with membership subscriptions we offers, endeavors to become the resource to the never-ending cycle of self-transformation, when you are ready to undergo this sort of transformation .


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In this paper, the requirement analysis, design and implementation of the system are introduced in detail.


In the context of economic globalization is increasingly deepening, China's economy can not be spared.


Results:(1)Increased expression of ICAM-1 appeared in cultured endothelial cells after anoxia and enhanced after reoxygenation.
