英语人>网络例句>提出反对 相关的搜索结果


与 提出反对 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's emergency marks a benign beginning for academic freedom in education research and a beginning...


For the oppose of "Lao Zi", they put forward the "Reserved" concept, through the raising of moral and the reserved of ability and wisdom, creating the benevolently monarch; Section IV describes the "Lao Zi" annotator in Qing Dynasty based on the idea of Confucianism is certainly to the view of "self control" and pushed in the "nation administer ".


There were the usual protests from the anti-abortion contingent.


There were the usual protests from the anti-abortion con tingent.


And many did so because of their antipathy to the man who devised the law: Mr Sarkozy.


Despite opposition from fundamentalist and assimilationist Jews and internal divisions (at the 1905 Congress one group withdrew when the majority of delegates rejected a British proposal for establishing a Jewish homeland in Uganda), the Zionist organization gathered strength.

尽管反对原教旨主义者和同化犹太人和内部分歧( 1905年在美国国会一组撤回时,多数代表拒绝了英国提出的关於建立一个犹太人的家园乌干达),犹太复国主义组织的聚集力量。

I personally hope there is some sort of backlash from this terrible cover story.


There has been a backlash against the government's plan to increase income tax rate.


It provides $622 billion in cuts to Medicare and Medicaid to back that up, cuts some Democrats are balking at.


First, it raises the prospect that the immemorial split on nuclear weapons between the old Labour right—embodied by Ernest Bevin, the post-war foreign secretary who was so keen to get a bomb "with the bloody Union Jack on top of it"—and the party's peaceniks, whose policy of unilateral disarmament contributed to Labour's unpopularity in the 1980s, may be revived in opposition.

第一个,它可能会带来工党内部对于核武器问题的分歧,以前工党曾经由战后外交大臣Ernest Bevin正面提出倾向于获得&让该死的英国国旗覆盖着&的原子弹,而他们的单边裁军政策导致了工党在80年代的失去执政的党内的反战分子们可能会反对Ernest Bevin所提出的关于获得原子弹的论调。

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With the development of highway construction, the speed of cars has been gradually increased.


So we basically had to develop a bond with the animal in terms of socializing with it.


"Comrade, I will be late for school. Please take me to my school, will you?"
