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与 接近者 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In his "Political Dictionary" he later explained that negativism was the key word; that nabob, from the Urdu, meaning governor, hence self-important potentate, was the ideal practitioner of a negative outlook (see the use by John Adams in 1776); and that nattering was meant to denote complaining, but that Stewart Alsop, his pundit-mentor, had told him that the British use was closer to chattering.


Acting Prime Minister Julia Gillard has confirmed thatAustralia, along with a number of other countries, has been approached to consider resettling detainees from Guantanamo Bay.


Few kids on the island think i counted max of 7 well you have to have something for the sharking feeding; honestly they were no problem felt a bit sorry for them as there is not a lot for them on the island.


A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio-frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum are amplitude- or frequency-modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones, or piezoelectric transducers.


This rise and fall of Walden at long intervals serves this use at least; the water standing at this great height for a year or more, though it makes it difficult to walk round it, kills the shrubs and trees which have sprung up about its edge since the last rise —— pitch pines, birches, alders, aspens, and others —— and,falling again, leaves an unobstructed shore; for, unlike many ponds and all waters which are subject to a daily tide, its shore is cleanest when the water is lowest.


Philosophers and scientists holding this view frequently talk of the self,"I", agency and related concepts as 'illusory', a view with parallels in some Eastern religious traditions, such as anatta in Buddhism.


Finalists for the INDEX: AIGA Aspen Design Challenge organized by Samsung, the water-saving bathmat is a pressure-sensitive showermat that lets the water to flow only when the user is close to the shower head, which turns off as they step back to shampoo or soap up.


Mr. Alan Winn: As a leader in the explosion protection business area, it's inevitable that we get learners and copyists, who want to touch closely the market and try to get some market share. In fact, we're quite used to this style.


One day, Lia decides to do a residency in Rio de Janeiro's Mare favela to bring her art and a different mode of life to this dangerous place.

经过 18 个月的努力,导演从学习基本的葡萄牙文开始,加上三次前往里约热内卢,使他的镜头更接近被拍摄者。

The handholds feel like rock, and allow the climber to have as realistic an experience as possible.


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We will see more and more activist government policies that distinguish economic activities according to the nationality of the actors.


If we can prove the independence of an axiomatic system, then we can guarantee the conciseness of this system, ie.


You can save 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide if you cut down your garbage by 10%.
