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与 拖鞋 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Her head eas blad and her big-boned European frame looked grey and forlorn ina prison-style uniform of grey tracksuit con versation was punctuated by a hacking cough and her former appetite for all kinds of food dwindled to almost nothing.


Grance, as in the evening primrose, the yellow lady's-slipper, horned bladderwort , and others.


Give your feet a cozy treat at the end of your busy work day with the Lounger leather bootie from Slippers International.


"A little meat, some bread rolls, and things for the household," she said.


Leop. Bloom there for a languor he had but was now better, he having dreamed tonight a strange fancy of his dame Mrs Moll with red slippers on in pair of Turkey trunks which is thought by those in ken to be for a change and Mistress Purefoy there, that got in through pleading her belly, and now on the stools, poor body, two days past her term, the midwives sore put to it and can't deliver, she queasy for a bowl of riceslop that is a shrewd drier up of the insides and her breath very heavy more than good and should be a bullyboy from the knocks they say, but God give her soon issue.

林奇、一苏格兰人、威尔。马登、为亲自下赌注之马伤心不已之托。利内翰和斯蒂芬。迪。利奥波。布卢姆原为解乏而来,现已略恢复元气。今晚彼曾做一奇梦:其妻摩莉足登红拖鞋,身着土耳其式紧身裤,博闻多识者谓此乃进入一个新阶段之征兆。普里福伊太太系住院待产妇[109] ,惜预产期已过二日,仍卧于产褥上,助产士焦急万分,不见分娩。灌以可充作上好收敛剂之米汤一碗,亦呕吐之,且呼吸无比困难。

It was most seductive at its most formal , in a tuxedo shown with Moroccan leopard-print slippers , or a butterscotch linen evening jacket trimmed with black passementerie .


Any of various plants of the genus Calceolaria native from Mexico to South America and widely cultivated for their showy,speckled, slipper - shaped flowers.


What of the garden where he administered justice,"clad in a jerkin of camlet, a surcoat of coarse woollen stuff without sleeves, and over all a mantle of black 'sandal,' and reclining on a carpet with Joinville"?


My child, when i went to the lab today , i put on my formal clothes ,even though it's muggy, and though they've been poor to wear out,they're formal; as i went to the auditorium,i pull my bamboo mules,yes,you know, it's polite to others to dress formaly ,even though they 're not such caparison , and it's polite to yourself to dress degagely, what matters is that it's not polite neither to others nor to yourself to dress up your soul,it should be another truth.


She was patching a pair of his trousers, while his lean body was distributed over two chairs, his feet dangling in dilapidated carpet- slipper s over the edge of the second chair


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At the rear was an innovative combination transaxle with the gearbox, clutch, differential, and inboard-mounted drum brakes.


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I hope you can acquire blessedness...
