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与 把...建立在...之上 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These provisions and measures to the management of archaeological excavations to establish the legal and scientific basis.


We couldn't base our hope upon the enemy's carelessness.


Make them considerevery vice,as shameful and unmanly:fire themwith ambition to be useful——make them disdainto be destitute of any useful,or ornamentalknowledge or accomplishment.Fix their ambitionupon great and solid objects,and their contemptupon little,frivolous,and useless ones.


We can't build our happiness on the unhappiness of someone else.


Work hard to succeed but not to the detriment of others.


My idea is to base your navigation on fragility.


Deeply concerned about the unity and strength of my country based on liberty, equality, law and individual rights, but he portrays the United States as haplessly without resources in its struggle with immigration, as if the country's identity were too fragile for the challenges it faces.

此外, 还有这本书所宣扬的宿命论思想:亨廷顿对读者说他是一个"爱国者……高度关心祖国建立在自由、平等、法治和个人权利基础之上的国家团结和国家力量",但是他却把美国对付移民这个头痛问题的前景描绘成黔驴技穷,苦无良策,好象美国国民身份特性面对挑战就是如此脆弱,不堪一击。

We must understand that, along with development of science-technology and growth of labor productivity, the factors consisted in labor process are constantly diversified, and the category of labor had outstretch from the labor of producing material goods to include theservice labor that provides service goods, the science-technological labor that renovates techniques or knowledge, and the managerial labor.

中篇 劳动与价值简要地回顾一下劳动价值论的发展历史,我们可以看出,马克思的劳动价值论较之以往的理论有了更科学的理论基础和丰富的现实材料,这就是马克思劳动价值论的三块理论基石和资本主义商品经济的充分发展。因此,本文认为,马克思对劳动价值论的贡献不仅在于科学地区分了价值和使用价值的概念并赋予其科学的含义,同时分析了商品的二重属性正是来源于劳动的二重性,并把劳动价值论建立在劳动本质论、劳动二重性理论和劳动形态理论基础之上,使得劳动价值论有了坚实的理论基础。

But the led must not be coerced, they must be able to choose their leader.


Marxism sublated Hegelia s point of view on Absoluteness, started off from the contradiction of objective world, grasped Absoluteness in the unity of opposites between absoluteness and relativity , made people s understanding about Absoluteness be on the basic of materialist dialectics, so it makes a clear distinction.


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He knows that he's one of the mostdominant players in the NBA right now.


Using analysis method of BCG , the dissertation analyzed the management of voluntary service organizations .


A caret is a mark place below a line to show where something should be put in .
