英语人>网络例句>密谋 相关的搜索结果


与 密谋 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But the focal point of the nation's cohesion was still opposition, and afterward, the government accused "foreign elements" of hoodwinking Chinese students into a plot to divide and weaken China.


Court intrigues are sometimes a necessary step that can make the difference between keeping and losing your title.


But when prosecutors raided an army base on Friday night, they clearly found evidence of something more sinister.


Mr Brown can scarcely complain about disloyalty, for he helped to inculcate a taste for plots and mutinies during his long march to Downing Street.


Certainly in USSR many saw China as a far more likely adversary than USA in 1960s and some Stalinist hardliners may even have plotted to start a nuclear war between US and China as a means of naturalizing Mao (see "Red Star Rogue").

上个世纪60年代前苏联还一度视中国为比美国更为可能的入侵国家,一些奉行强硬路线的斯大林主义者甚至还密谋策划过中美之间的核战争来除掉毛泽东(参见《Red Star Rogue

In August all four read out confessions on national television and then were charged with conspiring to overthrow the government. Two of the men later recanted the confessions during a trial, saying they had been coerced into making them.


His servants and tradesmen conspire with his own indolence to cheat him; and, in a very little time, he is astonished, in the midst of all the ridiculous superfluities, to find himself in want of all the real comforts and necessaries of life.


SOME of the most breathless commentary about Europe's financial markets in recent years has centred on the intrigues and dalliances of leading financial exchanges.


It is very likely that this worthy couple never absolutely conspired and agreed together in so many words; the one to cajole the young gentleman, whilst the other won his money at cards: but they understood each other perfectly well, and Rawdon let Osborne come and go with entire goos humor.


The two men arrested for allegedly hatching a harebrained plan to assassinate Barack Obama were described by family and friends Tuesday as more loudmouths than skinheads.

他们的家人和朋友星期二说,这两个因密谋暗杀Barack Obama而被捕的人,是说大话惹的祸,他们不是光头仔。

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In this paper, the requirement analysis, design and implementation of the system are introduced in detail.


In the context of economic globalization is increasingly deepening, China's economy can not be spared.


Results:(1)Increased expression of ICAM-1 appeared in cultured endothelial cells after anoxia and enhanced after reoxygenation.
