英语人>网络例句>宣布非法 相关的搜索结果


与 宣布非法 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A Where the policy is void, or is avoided by the insurer as from the mencement of the risk, the premium is returnable, provided that there has been no fraud or illegality on the part of the assured; but if the risk is not apportionable, and has once attached, the premium is not returnable

a 如果被保险人不存在欺诈或非法行为,在保险人宣布自风险开始起,保险单无效或撤销保险单,保险费应予退回;但若该风险是不可分割的,一旦保险责任已开始,则保险费不得退回。

2Where the consideration for the payment of the premium is ap portionable and there is a total failure of any apportionable part of the conside ration, a proportionate part of the premium is, under the like conditions, thereupon returnable to the assured.


Iran Contra Affair: US Attorney General Edwin Meese announces that profits from covert weapons sales to Iran were illegally diverted to the anti-communist Contra rebels in Nicaragua.


Iran Contra Affair: US Attorney General Edwin Meese announces that profits from covert weapons sales to Iran were illegally diverted to the anti-communist Contra rebels in Nicaragua.


Iran Contra Affair: US Attorney General Edwin Meese announces that profits from covert weapons sales to Iran were illegally diverted to the anti-communist Contra rebels in Nicaragua.


There will be no more mass amnesties for illegal, and anyone coming to Spain without permission will be sent back, the government has announced.


Local officials are often open to bribery, while politicians are prone to declaring amnesties for illegal buildings ahead of an election.


There will be no more mass amnesties for illegals, and anyone coming to Spain without permission will be sent back, the government has announced. About 23,000 migrants landed on the islands in 2006, and have erupted in some crowded reception centers.


Abbas issued decrees Sunday annulling a law requiring the new government to be approved by parliament, which is dominated by Hamas, and outlawing the Islamic group's militias.


Abbas issued decrees Sunday annulling a law requiring the new government to be approved by parliament, which is dominated by Hamas, and outlawing the Islamic group's militias.


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We will see more and more activist government policies that distinguish economic activities according to the nationality of the actors.


If we can prove the independence of an axiomatic system, then we can guarantee the conciseness of this system, ie.


You can save 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide if you cut down your garbage by 10%.
